Chapter 14

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Two chapters in one day! I must seriously be rushing this. Oh well. The end is near. I can feel it. I hope you like this one.

Piper's POV

Jason and I rode Apple towards Annabeth's castle. Her mother was Athena queen of Athens. Now we were going to have to break the news that she was engaged, to Percy's brother, no doubt.

Annabeth was my cousin and best friend. We made a pact when we were younger about always telling each what happened. But with her kingdom so far away from mine, we didn't always have the chance to talk.

I spotted the gray castle in the distance. If I knew my cousin, she would be reading in the garden. There she was, sitting under the big oak tree with a book in her hand. Annabeth looked as if she'd been crying. Maybe she found out already. Well, let's hope for the best.

"Annabeth? You okay?"

Annabeth looked up from her book. I was right, she was crying.

"I'm - I'm fine Pipes."
"No you're not. Now tell me what bothering you."
"I'm fine Piper McLean."
"Sure you are Annie."

Annabeth frowned.

"Don't call me Annie."
"Fine, but tell me what wrong."

Annabeth hesitated. She didn't want to tell me. That hurt.

"It's Percy."
"That's it?"

Jason was standing behind her, looking utterly confused. Her glanced at me. I gave him a look saying that he had to wait. Annabeth needed more help.

"Annabeth. Tell me. I'm your cousin after all."
"Fine. I'm marrying some guy from Oceania."
"And he is...."
"Percy's brother."
"Which one?"
"The really annoying one."

I looked at Jason. He shrugged. Jason was never good with romantic problems. Annabeth started crying. I got off Apple and wrapped my arms around her.

Annabeth looked up at me, weak and hurt. And basically not Annabeth. Her gray eyes were red from the tears. Her face was streaked with grime.

"Annabeth don't worry about. We'll work everything out."

Suddenly, Percy riding a horse towards us. That butt. I asked him to stay behind.

"Percy!" I yelled all him, "What are you doing here?"

Annabeth looked up.

"Percy?" she asked.

She got up and ran towards him. He waited for her with open arms. They embraced. The two kissed. It really brought out my inner Aphrodite, or my mother, whose completely obsessed with couples.

We had to find a way for them to share their love, my best friends.

Annabeth's POV

I buried my head in his shoulder.

"I missed you."
"I missed you too."

He hugged me. Even the terrible news couldn't break me now. I sobbed as he held me. I didn't want to marry his brother, I wanted him. I decided to invite everyone to come inside. We all walked inside my castle. Piper took a seat in the library with me. The boys sat on the floor.

"So what exactly are we doing about our..... situation?" Jason asked.
"Ask Annabeth and Percy's parents?" Piper suggested.
"Nope. Mom wouldn't like it." I said.
"Dad won't agree,"
"So our situation is hopeless." Jason summed up.

At that moment, Mother burst into the room. She seemed to be fuming.

"Mother? What's wrong?"

Mother turned to me. She looked at me with concern. Hopefully she didn't hate Percy. Well she wouldn't because of the alliance we were going to make. Which, in my opinion, was a terrible idea.

"Nothing Annabeth. Hello Piper. Jason. Percy."

She nodded to everyone in turn. I looked back at my friends.

"So are we just gonna sit here or what?"

We laughed. Jason tried not to. Percy didn't hold back. I loved seeing all of them smile. Piper giggled. As always, I laughed my hardest. Percy looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Piper was snickering.

"Why don't we have some tea and biscuits. I have some from yesterday."
"Why not."
"Who doesn't love biscuits?"

We ran to the dining room. I took the tea and biscuits from the kitchen. We sat down and started snacking. I could hear and see my mother outside the room, talking with another man. The man was King Poseidon of Oceania, or Percy's dad.

"I agree." my mother said, "but will they love each other?"
"Triton adores her. Annabeth won't mind, would she?" Poseidon responded.
"I don't think so, but shouldn't we ask them?"
"You said they would be okay with it."
"Why not ask them now, your son Perseus and my daughter are in the dining hall. Why not talk to them."

I turned and pretended to laugh along with Piper, Jason, and Percy. My mother and Percy's dad burst into the room.

"Annabeth, Percy. Come with us." my mother said.

Percy and I looked at each other and shrugged. We got up and followed our parents.

"So dad. What this about." Percy asked.
"As you know, Triton is getting married. To Annabeth." Poseidon looked at me.
"And the wedding will be in a few days. I'm sorry we have to rush this. It's only because of the pending war with King Kronos." my mother chimed in.
"And we have to make this alliance." Poseidon added.

Percy and I just nodded, completely unsure about this whole situation. Apparently, all the kingdoms decided to unite against King Kronos, so Mercury and Oceania couldn't be fighting. Or else, we were all doomed.

Our parents went on and on about strategies and plans. I was barely listening. Neither was Percy, I assumed. The only thing I actually took in was that the wedding would be in a few days. I nodded. This situation probably won't work out that well.

I still don't understand how King Poseidon thought I liked Triton. Triton was an annoying, dumb, idiot who I would never marry in a million years. I couldn't stand listening to this anymore. I turned to my mother.

"Mother, may Percy and I go back to having tea? I don't want it to get cold. And Piper and Jason might be lonely."
"Of course dear."

Percy and I smiled. We ran back to the dining room. The first thing I saw was Piper and Jason kissing and holding hands. They were smiling. I snickered.

"Well we have a lot to prepare for. With the wedding in a few days." I said, disgusted.

Piper and Jason just looked at me, shocked. I was still angry. I guess we'll have to deal with this. But I promise to always love Percy and be loyal to my friends.

If this story is really confusing, I want to apologize for it. As we all know, I'm rushing this and I really just wanna finish. Plus, my birthday's next week, so I'm trying to get it done before then . See ya next time.

Mid-Century Romance: A Percy and Annabeth Love Story | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now