Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- I don't own PJO or HOO

Chapter 5

Time skip-one month before the supposed wedding of Annabeth and Luke-

Annabeth's POV

Thanks mom, dad. You arranged a marriage between some dumb guy I have never met before. Today I was supposed to 'meet' Luke and 'spend time with him.' Frustrating, right. I was going to go to the trading fair to see Percy, but no.

I changed into my more presentable clothes. Like the puffy princess gown every princess wears. Truth be told, we hate the puffy gowns. My legs sweat in there. I had to look like a princess for Luke. Even if we did get married, I would never love him. I only will love Percy. (Yeah! That's right Annabeth!)

I rushed downstairs to meet my mother, father and brother for breakfast. When I got there, they were all sitting at the table, calmly eating.

"Good morning." I curtsied.

They all looked up.

"Good morning, Annabeth." my father said.

I sat down at the table and started eating. We ate in silence until my mother spoke.

"Annabeth, you finally wore that gown."

"Yes, mother. I did so I could presentable." I replied sarcastically.

She didn't seem to notice anything wrong. Whew.

"Mother, may I go to the trading fair?" I pleaded.

"No Annabeth. You know what you are doing today." she replied.

"Father?" I gave him puppy eyes.

"Annabeth, your mother is right. I'm sorry sweetheart."

I frowned. Then a messenger ran into the dining room, whispered something to my father, then ran back out. My father stood up and grabbed my mother's arm. They walked out arm in arm. Malcolm and I followed.

As we got into the entrance hall, a fanfare sounded.

"Introducing Prince Luke!"

The doors opened. Standing there was a tall man. He had sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Luke walked over to us. He bowed.

"King Frederick. Queen Athena."

He walked to Malcolm and I.

"You must be the lovely Princess Annabeth." he said.

I stood there. Luke took my hand and kissed it. I gasped. I was never treated like this. That felt really weird, a kiss, on my hand.

"Annabeth, why don't you give Prince Luke a tour?" my mother asked.

"Oh please, just call me Luke." Luke interrupted.

"Of course, mother." I turned to the prince, "Follow me."

We started walking through the castle. Luke gripped my hand. I really wanted to pull away, but it would be rude. I felt uncomfortable. It was a month before we have to get married. He's being all lovey-dovey.

After showing him the dining room and the rest of the rooms on the first floor, we walked upstairs. I stopped in front of my room. Oh no, I forget my necklace. And I really want to change into something else.

"Luke, I have to get something."

I stepped inside my room. Then closed the door. I looked for my coral necklace that I brought with Percy last time we went to the trading fair. It had a silver chain and a piece of sea blue coral as a pendant. It was sitting in my dresser.

Then I ran to my closet. Finally, I could get out of the sweaty dress. I found it. My favorite dress. It was a light gray color and flowed down form the waist. It had shoulder-less straps that stopped an two inches before reaching my elbow. My designs, nothing fancy.

I opened the door. Luke walked in. I was standing on the right side of my bed. Luke accidentally bumped into me. I fell on my bed. Luke walked over. To help me up, I assumed.

He leaned down and kissed me as hard as he could. I struggled to pull away. I couldn't. He was too strong. Luke's kiss was hard and rough. No gentle and soft like Percy's. He finally pulled away. I got up and ran.

Malcolm's POV

After seeing Annabeth leave with Luke to give him a tour, I followed her. She looked uncomfortable. Now, being the good older brother I am, I followed them. Something wasn't right.

They walked through the entire lower floor. Then, I followed them upstairs. Annabeth stopped in front of her room, said something and stepped inside. I crept up closer. The door to her room opened. Luke walked inside. What? He's not supposed to go in there. Then he bumped into her.

She fell to the bed. Luke leaned down and kissed her. Annabeth! I wanted to cried out, make a noise. But, if I did, I would most likely get hit. Annabeth looked like she was struggling to pull away. After Luke did pull away, Annabeth got up and ran. I rushed to tell my parents.

Mid-Century Romance: A Percy and Annabeth Love Story | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now