Chapter 4

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Disclaimer- I am NOT Rick Riodan
Chapter 4

Percy's POV

I woke up this morning the hear my parents discussing outside my bedroom door. A moment later, they came in. Dad spoke to me.

"Perseus, we have to tell you something."

"Yes Father?"

"You are getting married."

I was shocked. What? I'm getting married?

"To whom?" I asked.

"The daughter of the noble William Dare."

"Her name is?"

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare."


"Next week."

"So I'm getting married in a week to a girl named Rachel."

"Yeah, that sums it up."


I didn't want to get married, especially to someone I have never met. Who is Rachel? How does she look like? What's her favorite things to do?


"Yeah Dad."

"I almost forgot. Stay was from anyone from Athens."

"Was this about your saltwater argument at the ball?"

Dad got embarrassed.

"That and the fact that Athens is powerful. They have many allies and provoking one may lead to a war. And I don't like them."


"Especially the royalty of Athens."


He left. Leaving me to think about the marriage and where Athens was. I pulled out a map from my drawers. I looked at it. Athens was right next to Oceania. (I know they a both real places and Oceania is like a bunch of islands, let's just pretend.)

If these two countries were to have a war, things could get ugly. Many deaths and injuries. Seeing the power of these countries, my own and Athens, we would be stuck in an endless battle.

If Annabeth was from Athens. No, be positive. Maybe she is from Aphrodite's Kingdom, or maybe Hermes's. I have to see her again. The party tonight. It is celebrating to kick-off of the Trading Fair. Maybe I would see her.

Annabeth's POV

I was in the carriage that was taking my mother and I back home to Athens. Mother was silent the whole time. Then she spoke.

"Annabeth, stay away from the people of Oceania."

"Why Mother?"

"They are selfish, rude and arrogant."

"Was this at the ball?"

"Yes dear. Why the nerve of his son, Triton, I believe. He flirted with you! Acted like he was the best man in his kingdom. And that Perseus. He danced the entwine with you."

"I don't see what is wrong with that."

"Child, you with not understand. Just stay away."

Like the obedient daughter is was, I said, "Yes Mother."


Mother looked relieved. I wondered why I couldn't go see Percy. He was nice, didn't she see that.

"Oh and Annabeth?"

"You will be marrying a prince."

Who? What? Why?

"Who?" I asked calmly.

"Prince Luke of Mercury."


"Why? So our kingdom will have more allies."

"Yes Mother."

I turned and left. I ran to my room. I laid on my bed and cried. Tears fell, I had no control. First, I am harassed by Triton. Second, I can't see Percy anymore. Third, I'm marrying someone I have never met.

I felt a cool breeze. It came from my balcony. I stepped outside. The sunset was there. Beautiful as ever. Warm light touching the sea. This gave me hope for a better future.

The trading fair. There was a ball being held to celebrate. I began closing the doors of my balcony, but then a pebble hit them. I ran to the edge and looked down. Percy was there.


"Percy!" I cried out in relief.

I grabbed some old clothes and wove them together to make a rope. Weaving was one of my talents. I held on to one end of the rope, then threw the other end off the side. I felt a tug on the rope. I pulled it up. Percy was trying to climb. He got on the balcony. He fell on the floor of my balcony. I laughed. Percy laughed too.

We walked to my bed and sat down. I hugged him he hugged me back.

"Percy. I need to tell you something."

"So do I Annabeth."

"I have too marry someone else."

Percy looked angry and defiant.

"Who?" he asked.

"Prince Luke."

"Oh, and I have to marry Lady Rachel."

I started shedding tears. Percy put his arms around me. He kissed my forehead. He laid down on the bed. I accidentally fell on top of him. Our faces were less than an inch apart. I leaned in. Our lips met. The kiss lasted a moment too long.

"I love you Percy."

"Love you Annabeth."

Mid-Century Romance: A Percy and Annabeth Love Story | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now