Chapter 2

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Disclaimer- I don't own PJO or HOO

Chapter 2

Percy's POV

Today was the Oceania Trading Fair. I have to be there to help anyone who gets lost. So do my brothers, Triton and Tyson. I was in my room, putting on my royal clothes. My crown was sitting on the dresser.

Should I wear it? Nah.
I ran downstairs, to find my dad and his wife dancing in the ballroom. He married Amphitrite after my mother died, so I would have a mother.

As they were dancing in the ballroom, they looked love. Did Dad ever look at my mom that way? Will I ever look at someone like that?

It hit me, Annabeth. Her curly blond locks and intelligent gray eyes. She was also kind, laughing at my horrible jokes, and graceful too. On the dance floor, she was able to avoid my catches, until the last one. I finally caught her. Her skin, pale and soft. I smiled, thinking of her.

Triton, great. I have to deal with my dear brother. He keeps forcing himself onto Annabeth. I wanted to protect her and make sure she was okay. Well, she did look like she could protect herself, but still. I'm in love.
I ran to the breakfast table. There were my brothers, eating.

"Morning, Percy!" Tyson said with a mouth full of food.
"Good morning, Perseus." Triton sneered.
"Morning to you both." I said to them.

Tyson was still eating. He was very focused in his food. He was so focused that he didn't pay attention to Triton and I arguing. Triton turned to me.

"So why did you protect that Annabeth girl?"
"You were harassing her."
"No, I wasn't! She wanted it!"
"Sure Triton, whatever helps you sleep at night."
"I'm serious. You know what, I bet she will fall in love with me first."
"Fine, with me, I know she won't love you."
"Ha! You're just jealous."
"No, I'm not. I'm sure she won't love you."
"Fine. Whoever she falls in love with wins."
"Wins what, exactly?"

She sat back down and finished eating. I walked to the stables to get my horse, Blackjack. He was waiting in the stables. I found and carrot and gave it to him. He looked at me like he was saying 'Thanks'. I saddled him and rode to the Trading Fair.

I arrived at the gates. Then I tied Blackjack to a fence so he wouldn't wander. Not that he would get lost, but he would scare to people.
I was walking around, then I accidentally bumped into someone. He or she, was wearing a black hooded cloak. The hood fell and I saw red hair and green eyes.

"Oh I'm so sorry, are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm fine. My name's Rachel."
"I'm Perseus."
"Like the prince?"
"Oh cool."
"So you're not going to be jumping on me and asking my autograph or something, right?"
"Yeah, but can you help me find the paint stand?"

It was my job to help people who got lost. Apparently, Dad thought it was a great idea to make the princes help the people, instead of me practicing swordplay, Triton sitting around, and Tyson, working in the forge.
Tyson was extremely good at forging armor and weapons.

He made Triton's sword and Dad's new one. I got Dad's older sword, Riptide. Mine was magic. Riptide was a pen when I wasn't using it, once I pulled off the cap, it would turn into a sword.

"Sure Rachel. I could help you."
"Great." I led her to the paint stand.
"Bye, Rachel. Gotta go."

I ran off before she could say bye. I saw a flash of blond hair at the gates. I ran towards it. There she was. Annabeth, on her horse. She dismounted and tied her horse next to mine. She turned her head to scan the fair and when she caught sight of me. She waved. I waved back and ran to her.

"Hello Perseus." Annabeth said.
"Hi Annabeth."
"Shall we explore?"
"Okay, but please call me Percy."
"Sure Percy."

We ran to the nearest stand, which sold pearl jewelry. She bought a necklace.

"For my mother." she explained to me.

Next the weapons. We looked at them for a second. Then I decided it was lunchtime.

"Annabeth, can we get something to eat?"
"Sure Percy."

We went the nearest food stand. It had fried ice cream. We brought chocolate for me and strawberry for Annabeth. We sat down at a table a ate the ice cream.

Annabeth was laughed at me because it basically covered my face.

"Annabeth, it's not funny. This is the professional way of eating fried ice cream."
"It is funny." she said, still laughing.

I got some ice cream on her too.

"Percy, you!"

She got some more on me too. We were having an ice cream fight. Afterwards, we looked so dirty, we decided to clean up in the bathrooms.

After cleaning up, I felt so much better. I saw Annabeth waiting at the table we just ate at. I looked at my watch. It was 7:00. Annabeth sat down at the table. So did I. We just sat there looking the sunset.

It was beautiful. The sun touching to horizon. The sky becoming different colors. The water glittering.

The weather was getting pretty chilly. Annabeth shivered. I put jacket around her to keep her warm.

"Race you to the gates."
Annabeth started running.

"Hey...what! That's not fair! You're getting a head start!"

I shouted and ran after her.
We reached the gates in no time. Annabeth saddled her horse. I did the same to mine. She turned around. So did I. We stared at each other for a few moments. Then I leaned in. Annabeth did too. Our lips met for a moment. They perfectly touched. Then we pulled away, blushing.

"Will I see you again, Percy?"
"Of course. Come around back towards the stables I'll wait there for you."
"Yes. I will."
"My hope so, my lady."

She laughed and rode away. I rode back to the stables. I waited for my beloved Annabeth to come.

Mid-Century Romance: A Percy and Annabeth Love Story | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now