Barry -2

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Supergirl finally got her secret army friends -or whatever- to let me go free. But curiosity kept me here so I stayed in the large secret base. The man that run all of this, hank Henshaw- or J'onn J'onzz or Martian manhunter- I can't remember I lost track and it's giving me a headache, came up to me. 'So Mr Allen, how did you get here' 'I explained all the stuff about the black flash 'Cisco must have opened a breach and sent me here, but something must have messed with it' 'how do you know something messed with it and it wasn't a rookie mistake' 'Cause Cisco isn't a rookie, okay. He's been at this for years. Gypsy has been teaching him as well' 'now who's gypsy?' 'She's a meta human from earth 17, she has the same powers as Cisco' 'earth 17...?' 'Yeah my earth is the centre of the multiverse so we're earth 1, harry is from earth 2, jay is from earth 3 and something tells me you got yourself a nice earth 38 here' he gave a dry laugh, 'right thanks'
Night came and I just stood looking confused about what I was doing. A man named will or something came up to me 'supergirl said I wasn't allowed to speak to you but she's gone now so here I am' I laughed 'hello I'm the flash' 'yeah I know Kara told me all about you' 'Kara?..' 'supergirl...' 'her names Kara!' His eyes widened and his hands flew over his mouth, 'she didn't tell you?' I shook my head, he looked like a lost puppy, he kind of reminded me of Cisco. Thinking of Cisco made me feel home sick.

Supergirl walked back up to us and I saw the mans eyes widen with fear. 'Hey Barry what's up?'

Back on Barry's earth

"So you expect us to believe that there are multiple earths and this man is from one of them" captain Singh looked skeptical at Cisco, all Cisco did was nod. Felicity who had kept one ear on the rest of the room screamed out "another earth, that's it!!!" Everyone looked around at her but Cisco knew what she was thinking. "You really think—" felicity nodded, "I mean come on—" Cisco finished her sentence "it's the only explanation" captain Singh stood listening to their conversation only understanding half of it. He was slowly coming round to the ideas of multiple earths as he remembered the time when Zoom had taken over the precinct and then left and the flash had said something about earth 2.
Cisco left to search different earths with gypsy whilst felicity told Oliver about what they thought. Caitlin had turned up and her and Felicity had a conversation about what earth he could be on. "It's quite dangerous, he's made enemies on different earths and that's not a good thing"
Suddenly another portal appeared and out came Jay Garrick, the flash of Earth 3. "need any help?" Jay, always knew when Barry was in trouble; ever since he found out that he was Barry's dads doppelgänger, he had felt the need to protect him in the way that a father should. And Barry had no shortage of fathers, and he certainly had no shortage of people willing to kill them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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