Board Games (Logicality)

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A/N: so I don't know whether to call Logic Logan or Logic, and same with Princey so like, yeah. And I'm Canadian so I spell colour with a u. 

"Trouble. Trouble is the best" Morality argued. 

"Monopoly is the most popular game, and therefore that game becomes the best and that is the game we should play." Logic stated with confidence. 

" Pleease can we play trouble??" Morality looked at Logan with puppy eyes.

"Fine. Alright." Logic reached into the closet to grab the board game. He took out all characters and placed them on the board. 

"What colour do you want? I want green" Logan grabbed the green ones for himself.

"Blue!!" Morality squealed. "Ok I get to go first!!"

Logic rolled his eyes and sighed. Morality pushed down on the dice. 

"1! I get mine out!" He took out his player and waited for Logic to go.

"How did you get a 1 but I got a three?" Logic started pondering. 

Morality stuck out his tongue at Logan.


"How can I be so horrible at this game? The science doesn't make sense!"

"Maybe Logic, just, maybe, it's a game of chance?" Morality was laughing at Logic. 

"No, there must be some science to it! Everything has science!" Logic examined the board. 

"You're not going to find anything. Look, if you win the next round, I will let you read in peace. If you don't, I'm going to smother you in kisses and cuddles." Morality smirked.

"That's not- fine" Logic accepted the deal.


"You've got to be cheating!" Logic sighed. He had lost. Morality had won. 

"Hahahaha my turn for cuddles!!" Morality jumped over the board to hug Logic.

Logic tumbled over and Morality started kissing him everywhere. Logic picked up a pillow and threw it at Morality and Morality just ducked and kept kissing him. Soon it turned into a tickle fight. Logic rolled Morality over and threw another pillow at him. He also grabbed his glasses and threw them on the couch. Morality took off Logic's glasses and tie.

"AhaAhHAHahahHAHAHA Stop! AhaHahHhhaahahaAAHAHA" Logic screamed as Morality tickled him. 

Prince walked into the commons and saw this happening. He simply smiled and turned around to to tell Anxiety. Morality stopped tickling Logic for a second and looked into his eyes. They got closer. Their soft lips touched each other's. Then Morality tickled him. 

"MmmahahaHaAAGAHABYAHGAHH" Logic shouted out in surprise. 

"Got ya!" Morality laughed his head off.

A/N: honestly I don't think I can write another chapter to Big Words for a bit, because damn that last chapter. No spoilers but (cheeky spon) you should go check it out! Plus HOW DO PEOPLE WRITE SUCH LONG ONESHOTS HONESTLY I DONT UNDERSTAND. pleeeease leave a prompt bc I have no creativity.

oneshots : sander sidesWhere stories live. Discover now