Teasing (Prinxiety)

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Roman and Virgil had been arguing about stuff. They didnt really know what they were arguing about, but it got Patton fired up enough to force them to apologize to each other. "I'm sorry emo nightmare" Roman said, teasing him. "And I'm sorry Prince underarm stink." Virgil said back. They did this playful teasing all the time. Sometimes Roman even teased him with flirting. This was one of those times. Roman and Virgil were constantly annoying each other when all of sudden Roman pulled Virgil in close. He was close enough to feel Roman's breath. Virgil was slightly freaking out on the inside. He knew that Roman was teasing him, but he couldn't help lean into it. Suddenly Roman pushe him back, smirking. "Oh? Are you disappointed? Did you want to kiss me?" Roman asked, talking to Virgil like he was a baby. Virgil's cheeks burned. He felt himself go the colour of a rotten tomato. "N-No." Virgil stuttered. Shit. Why was he so nervous? Roman never made him feel nervous like that before. Virgil took a moment to collect himself. Virgil coughed. "No. I'm just blushing because you even thought about getting that close to me. I'm flattered." Virgil shot back at Roman, now it was Roman's turn to go red. "I-Uh" Roman tried to say something but his mind went blank. "You can't think of anything? Hm... Here's something to think about." Virgil said. He grabbed Roman's face and pulled him in, entrancing him in a kiss. Roman was surprised at first, but fell into the kiss. He knew Virgil was teasing him, but he couldn't help it, his muscles relaxed into the kiss. Virgil broke away. "Enjoyed that?" Virgil said, smirking. He realized he had just kissed the very person he had on a crush and he blushed. "Y-yeah actually" Roman mumbled, just loud enough for Virgil to hear. "Excuse me if it pleases me to be kissed by the person I have a crush." Roman muttered, making Virgil blush even harder. "I don't want to ruin our... friendship? Whatever it is, that. I don't want to ruin whatever it is. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." Roman said, trying not to turn the same colour as Virgil. "It does ruin our... thing." Virgil said, running a hand through his hair. Roman sighed. Of course. "I return your feelings, so that must make it that we should be boyfriends." Virgil finished.


"I fucking made out with you and you don't believe me when I say I have feelings for you?"

"True. So... boyfriends?"

"... boyfriends."

A/N: so this is short but i think its sweet

have a good day my chocolate cupcakes.

oneshots : sander sidesWhere stories live. Discover now