Chapter 1

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Ashely Tyler and I are at our house waiting for the BVB bust to come pick us up. This is the first tour that i get to go on with my bigh brother Ashely. I'm really excited becasue i get spend a whole 1.5 years with my boo. My borther has no idea that im in love with CC.

TBT im not sure if he likes me.But i guess we will find out... I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I snap out of my day dream when i hear the bus horn. I jump off the couch run towards the door and grab my stuff and walk outside. Just as i was getting ready to walk down the staries CC comes up to me. I give him a hug and then he asked if he could carry my bags for me. 

So i let him take my bags and kissed him on the check as a thank you. I think he might have started to blush but im not 100% for sure. I start to walk away and than i tell him that i have 3 more bags inside. Ok I will get them for you. 

I take off running towards the bus just beacsue my BVB family is on it. When i get on the bust Jinxx is the first one to give me a hug. Then i gave a hug to everyone else on the bus. After i gave my hugs to everyone Jinxxs tells me that he has to talk to me.

We go back to the hall way that leads to all the rooms. Their is like a lil bed right there.

"You might want to sit down for this one Crystal" Jinxx said

What is it Jinxx??????

Ok so on our way over here to come pick you guys up. Jake, Andy, CC and I were all talking about the love of our life. When I asked CC who is was he said you. 

Of course i scramed really loud and Ashely + CC came running onto the bus. Ashely cam back first and than CC followed right behind him.

Whats wrong Sis?

Nothing Ash

Are you sure?

Yes Ash im sure.... Ash can you go get the rest of my bags for me?

Yes Sis i can do that for you

Right as Ashely turned around CC looked at me. I couldnt help but smile.  CC came over to the door where Jinxx and I were. 

Is everything ok? He asked as he walked towards me and giving me a short hug like he did when the band was around.

Yes Ashely said in a over proctive voice.

Will you go get my bags i would really like to talk to CC alone???? Not going to happen lil sis. And why not? Becasue I said so.

Well what if Jinxx came back here with us. Ok that i can do... and now i will go get the rest of your bags.

Thank you Bro!

Jinxx walked back and stood in the door till Ashley got of the bus.

Jinxx and Jake set up a system that way if Ash was on his way back to the bus we could open back up the door.

Jinxx let me close the door

CC is it true??????

Is what true crystal?

Do you really think as me of the love of your life?!?!?!?

Yes I do


what's the big smile for

I jumped on him and warped my legs around his waist went in to kiss him and I hear Jake yell at Jinxx but by this point I didn't care so we kissed.

Jinxx opened the door I got off of CC and sat down right next to him and told him to play alone.

I pretend to cry and Jinxx knew what I was doing so he followed along.

Ash heard me crying and ran back to where I was to see what was wrong.

Jinxx told Ash that I just got a text saying one of my friends did something... you now how girls are. CC is comforting her.

Ash walked in and said all the bags are on the bus and I can take it form her CC.

No Ash I want CC to stay back here and comfort me. You go spend time with Tyler, Jinxx and Samie, Andy and Bella, Jake and Ella and talk about how much fun it is to be married.

Aliright lil sis if that's what you want

So Jinxx walked away and winked on his way out.

Ashley turned around and said don't try anything CC I mean it.

He left and I called Jinxx ant Jake back to the hallway where all five rooms are. Jinxx and Jake are the only two with keys for the doors.

Jinxx & Jake whisper what for at the same time

So I can lock the main door from the inside and I can lock CC's door and Ashely had no way to stop us. Just keep him busy for me for a while

Yes sweetcakes we con do that for you

Once I have both set of keys I lock the main door and CC picks me up and carriers me down to his room.

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