Chapter 7

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As I lay in bed not able to sleep I listen to CC make the cutest sounds  in his sleep.

Its now 3:30 in the morning and I still can't sleep. So I get up and walk out of the room and head towards the living room.

When I paste by Ashely and Tyler's room I hear footsteps pacing across the floor.

I quietly knock on the door to see who is up. I'm hoping its Ashely. When I hear the door knob turning I wait anxiously to see who it is. Tyler answered the door. Srry Tyler I thought maybe you might be Ashely. I just turned around and kept walking towards the living room.

Meanwhile Ashely comes put if his bathroom. Tyler who was at the door??

Your sister was baby

What dos she want??

I don't know she didn't say anything I just think she needs her big brother right now.

What makes you think Ty?

Because when I answered the door she looked a little disappointed that I answered and it wasn't you.

I'm so sorry Tyler I would love to finish what we started in the bathroom but.

I get Ash your sister needs you right now more than I do.

I'm sitting out on the couch and I hear a door open I don't bother to look. A few seconds later I hear footsteps coming towards me. When I turn around see Ashely coming towards me. The moment he touches me I begin to cry.

He sits down on the couch next to me and I crawl into his lap and burry my head in his chest.

He starts to stroke my hair like he did when I was little. After about ten minutes of me crying I was able to get out words.

Ash I scared

About what


Like what sis

Everything from the planing this wedding and I'm not to sure how well mom and dad are going to take this.

I'm afraid dad will get mad at me when I tell him I don't want him to give me away.

I'll be there with you through it all sis. I will be by your side when you tell mom and dad the news. Aslo why don't you want dad to give you away???

Because he never cared about what boy I brought home or if they were good or bad. But he cared the moment I told him I was in love. But once he saw that it was Jay he laughed and stoped caring again.

So who are going to ask to give you away????

Well I want all four of you guys to give me away but I don't know how well that would work since CC wouldn't have no one behind him till you guys stood there.

That's no a bad idea but than again I don't know how well that would work.

I know that's what I would love to have but if I have to chose between you four I would pick you. Ash if I can't have all four of you guys give me away will you do it. You have always been by my side even when I thought I could handle it on my own.

Yes Crystal if all four us can't give you away I would be honored to give you away.

I layed my head down back on Ash's chest and fell asleep. I woke up to knocking and someone saying CC'S name.

Hear CC she just fell asleep on me... She need to talk to me and that's why I have her.

Its okay Ashely you're her big bro so I don't mind.

I can feel Ashely put me in CC'S arms I warp my hands around his neck. I hear Ashely say goodnight to CC.

Once closes the door I open up my eyes. Hey babe I look up towards CC to see him smiling. He looks down at me and says hey babygirl.

He lays me down on the bed and covers me up. Once he gets in bed and covers himself up. I move my self closer to him and lay my head on his chest. He warps his arms around me.

I lean my head up to kiss him goodnight. I lay my head back down on his chest.

Goodnight CC I love you. Goodnight my angle I love you two. He kisses the top of my head and we fell asleep.

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