Chapter 10

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Crystal P.O.V.

I called the OBGYN doctors office and they got me in ASAP  because i had to explain to them how i was on the road and on a tour bus for the next year and half and the had a opening and got me in so we reached the next city and i called the obgyn and they still had me down so CC asked the body gaurd if we could use there car to go somewhere so we got in there charger and left for the doctors

So we get to the doctors office and the nurse has me fill out paper work while cc parked the car i go and sit down and start my paper work when a girl sees me write down my name and a couple people started talking so i asked the nurse that before my fiance came into here if i could do my paper work in the back bc of the band and the nurse herself freaked out on me.

She gave us a room that doctor would see us in and let cc in through the side door than she sent the doctor right in even though i was still filling at my paper work come to find out the doctor was the nurse dad so he knew who we were

He started the altra sound and we could see the baby on the screen he told me by the looks of it that was at 12 weeks he than asked me if i knew who the dad was and i said yes that it was cc he asked how long we had been together and i told him 5 months

He told me to make call in 8 more weeks and tell them that i was on a tour bus with my husband

He than printed off the pictures and sent us on our way out the side door

When we got into the car i started crying and couldnt stop

Babygirl whats wrong

Im going to be showing 100% in 3 more weeks

I have to tell my brother but i think i know how i want to do it

What might that be

I want to get a shirt that says worlds best uncle and give it to him but idk how he will take beacuse im goign to have to tell him on my own

Babe if thats what you want i go to the store for  you

I know but i want to go to the craft store becasue i want to make it myself

Thats a really good idea babe

Thanks but im going to have tyler take me since she is married to my brother

Alright babe if thats what you want

So we get back on the bus and i put my pictures in my purse to take them to my room. as im getting on the bus i told cc that i wanted some ice cream when i woke up because i wasnt feeling so while but who would being prego for 12 months and just now finding out

So i walk past everyone and as im almost to my room i yell for tyler to come here

When tyler got back to me i asked her if she could do my a favor if she could go to the store and pick up 3 black shirs one for Ash on for CC and one for me i told her to get cc a meduim and i wanted a large and get ash the right size and than i went ahead and told her to pick up shirts for everyone else as well and that i wanted 20 packets of white letters i told her i wanted to make shirts for everyone i gave her 100 bucks and sent her out to the store with CC

They were gone for about 45 minutes CC brought me back the bags and as i was hanging the pictures up on the mirror in the bath room I heard Ash's voice so i closed the bathroom door and went and sat on the bed

You alright sis

Yes Ash im fine i just wanted something to do and you of all people should know how much i like to make shirts so thats what im doing

It took me most of the night to make all the shirts and the whole time i was making them CC stayed up with me and kept bring me ice cream and pickles and laughing every time i asked him to go get me some

So i put them all in bags and put everyones name on it when CC walked back into the room i had my shirt on and it said MOMMY TO BE and i handed him his shirt and it said DADDY TO BE when he saw it he started crying i think that when it hit him the in 6 more months we would parents

So the next moring i woke up and you could tell i was showing so i put on a jacket to cover up my shirt and told CC to cover his up so he put on one of his hoodies

I walked out there with all 8 bags in hand and asked them all to sit on the couch and than i asked them not to open the bags untill everyone had theres and i told them to open them and i had a bag for CC which had lil combat boots in it for a baby but that was in our room

They all opened there bags and all the guys had shirts that said their names one the front and on the back said UNCLE TO BE and the girls had their names on theirs and the back said AUNT TO BE

They looked kinda puzzled until i told CC to take of his hoddie and i took of my coat and when the read my shirt the thought it was ajoke until i turned to the side and pulled m shirt tight and you could tell i was showing

Tyler asked how far along i was and i said 3 months

Ash got up and stormed off to his bedroom and slamed his door

CC was going to go talk to him and so wasnt tyler until i stoped them and told them that this was somethign that i had to do i gave CC the pictures so he chould show everyone

I left the living room and went to my brothers room to talk to him I knocked on the door and said ash can we talk thats when he opened the door and let me in but locked it behind him so no one else could come in the room with us

I walked in and sat down on the chair he had in his room he walked into the bathroom and said give me a minute

Ashley's P.O.V.

I walked into my room slmaed the door thats when i heard the knock and i knew it was crystal than she asked me if we could talk so i let her in the room but i locked it behind her that way no one else could come in

She sat down on the chair and i went to the bathroom

I came out of the bathroom with i kinda pissed but happy look on my face

Crystal knew it because she wouldnt even look at me which i hated when she did that

I hate it when she cant even look at me

Why didnt you tell me that you that you were having a baby

Ash i just found out 3 days a go and i wanted to go the doctotr to see if it was ture first before i told any one and i wanted to tell you but i didnt know how to do it thats why i came up with the idea for the shirts and thought of making them for every body since every body while be my childs aunts and uncles and you will be there blood uncle but for you to get all pissed off and mad because you were told with everybody else thing being childish because i love you and i want to talk about all of this with you but i am pregnant and very emotional and I love you and I want to talk it all out with you but I'm tired and I'm going to go to my room and sleep and tomorrow will be a new day and we can talk then goodnight Ash I love you

Goodnight Crystal I love you too

Good night my little niece or nephew I can't wait to meet you you're going to be spoiled by your uncle Ash imma be the best animal call you ever have

Crystal ran and jumped on me and I gave her a hug and I held her I'm just held her and held her and held her till she fell asleep in my arms and I took her across the hall and placed her in bed kissed her head goodnight and went back to my room and fell asleep for the night

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