Chapter 12

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For second period I had Spanish with Mr. Larracuente . He's the hottest teacher at our school! Honestly I don't plan on ever missing his class. (XD see Mr. Larracuente above) In it with me are the Dolans, Meredith, Kim and Jacqueline. With Mr. Anderson Grayson and Ethan here I'm gonna be constantly distracted. Kim walked into the classroom followed by Meredith and Jacqueline. Kim saw me and I smiled at her. She began walking toward me when Meredith and Jacqueline sped over to me. Disappointed, I told her to sit behind me. If we talk in class Id get in trouble instead of her. The strong scent of axe cologne began to fill the room. Meaning the Dolans had arrived. They sit in front of me and turn to talk to me.  
"So how do you feel so far? Made some new friends already as I see?" Ethan says.
"Uh yeah, Kim and I-" I stop and smile at her. "Are gonna sit with Mer and Jacqueline today" I finish with a grin.
"You can call me Jacqui" Jacqueline says. I nod.
"You sure you don't want to sit with us?" Grayson asks.
"I called dibs Dolan back off." Meredith says.
"I'm sorry did I ask you, Mickelson?" He snaps.
"Aye! Uhh how about we all sit together?" I offer.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Kim whispers.
"Why?" I whisper back as the twins and girls glare at each other.
"Ethan and Meredith used to date, she tried getting with Grayson while they were dating. He rejected her, and Ethan dumped her." She says, still whispering.
"Okay class! Settle down! Today we're working on a partner assignment. I'm assigning your partners based on the attendance list. Okay so we have..." I ignore his babbling as I watch his beautiful face smile while announcing.
"Ms. Montague, please sit with your partner." He says and immediately I feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me.
"Umm..." I then feel Meredith tap my shoulder.
"I'm your partner" she whispers and giggles. We walk to the large round table at the back of the classroom and look over the rubric he'd handed out prior to me dozing off. The assignment was to keep a full conversation going based on one of the topics in the rubric. One of us would have to pull one out of a hat and have a conversation.
"This is gonna be interesting." I say and giggle. I look up and see Grayson writing stuff down. His bicep tensing and loosening.
"Definitely, you any good at Spanish?" She asks.
"Yeah pretty good." I say and bite down on the eraser of my pencil, dazed by the beauty of the boy in front of me.
"Damnnn you got it bad grill..." Meredith says and giggles softly.
"Huh, what?" I ask shaking my head and turning my attention to Meredith.
"The Dolan fever. I was there once too. Which one'd you fall for?" She asks.
"Whaaaat? Girl you wildin, I don't have the 'Dolan fever'" I say and she raises an eyebrow.
"God, is it seriously that obvious?" I say as my face goes a bright shade of pink.
"No.... yes..." she says and I laugh nervously.
"Gray" I say.
"Hm?" She asks.
"My Dolan fever, I think I'm getting feelings for him..." I whisper.
"Oooh 50 shades of-" she was speaking obnoxiously loud so I covered her mouth. When I removed it she completed her sentence in a whisper. "Grayson Dolan" she smirks.
"Ask him to tutor you!" She whisper yells.
"Tutor me?" I repeat.
"Yeah he's like a straight A student in Spanish, and it's la idioma de amor! Say you need his help. It gives you an excuse to hang out with him without asking him out." She says and I giggle.
"Okay, sure I'll ask him at lunch." I say and glance at him. I notice him looking at me and we make eye contact. He smiles his perfect smile and waves at me. I smile back and giggle. Next I had calculus with Ethan.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick and it was finally lunch. I stopped at my locker then went to Kim's.
"Hey hoe waddup?!" I say and laugh.
"Not too much! Ready for lunch at the cool table?" She says.
"Sooo ready! Let's do this shiznit!" I say.
"Wait, let me fill you in. So I think I kind of like Grayson, we kind of kissed last night, I'm gonna ask him to tutor me." I say.
"WAIT, HOLD THE FUCK UP! You kissed God and didn't tell me?!" She exclaims receiving stares from people in the hallway. I laugh and nod as we enter the cafeteria. We walk to Meredith's table and sit.
"Hey ladies!" Mer says.
"Hey girl hey!" I say.
"Aloha!" Kim says. We all giggle as we eat.
"So wait, what happened between you two last night? Everyone's talking about how you slept over at the Dolan residence?" Emily asks.
"Well, I went there to film the Q and A about all the shit that went down on twitter. When we finished filming and editing I called my mom but it was late and she had fell asleep so I stayed over." I explain. Meredith scoots close to me.
"Soooo, did anything happen between you two?" She asks.
"Not really, we just.. chilled" I say. She sighs in disappointment and I chuckle.
"Speak of the devil." She says as her face turns bitter. I look up to see Ethan?
"Sup E?" I ask.
"Hey so uh..." he scratches the back of his neck. "I heard from my source that you're really good at calculus, but like, I  suck at it..." Meredith snorts and whispers in my ear loud enough for him to hear. "Not the only thing he sucks at." I giggle and bite my lip as his face goes red. " you think you could uh... tutor me?" He asks.
"Sure." I say blandly.
"Could I have your phone?" I ask.
"Uh, why?" He asks.
"I put my number in your phone, you message me when you need help." I say.
"Oh yeah, sure." He hands it to me and I put my number in. He smiles brightly and walks away.
"Meredith you're so mean!" I say and laugh. The rest of the group bursts out laughing.
"I know!" She responds proudly as we all continue to laugh at her earlier remark about Ethan.
"But he used the 'tutor me' trick on you!" She yells.
"Speak of, imma go ask Gray to tutor me now!" I say and rise from my seated spot.
I walk to the boys' table.
"Hey Grayson, Ethan." I say and smile.
"So Gray, you're like really good at Spanish and I'm really not, help me?" I ask with this confidence I didn't know I had.
"Yeah definitely, here's my number message me when and where to meet up." He says and hands my a piece of paper with his number on it. I pull out my phone and make him a contact as "Gray Bæ💜"


That's all folks! Comment who you want Andrea to end up with!

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