Chapter 20

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The boys finished eating and Grayson had got dressed in a fresh pair of clothes. We left and Grayson went with Ethan, but since I brought my car I had to go alone. We said our goodbyes before we part ways. I look in my mirror. I look like shit. Ugh I need some sleep. I drive home and take a power nap at 7:30. I wake up at 2PM feeling great. I decide I should go out today. I call Kim.

On the phone (K:Kim A:Andrea)
K: Hey bitch!
A:Sup hoe! *laughs*
K:Not too much, im soooooo bored ugh!
A:*chuckles* yeah me too, I was wondering if you wanted to hang?
K:I'll be at your house in 30 mins
A:Kay see ya
End of call

I get dressed and brush my teeth. For my outfit today, I've decided on a pair of lulu's and a comfortable shirt. I put my long hair into a lazy bun and put on a bit of mascara. This is my look for today, don't judge me hoe! I can't wait to have a girls day with Kim. I still have to wait another 10 minutes or so, so I go downstairs and grab a glass of water. I walk to my basement and turn on Netflix leaving the door opened. Right as I'm about to start watching Santa Clarita diet my phone starts ringing. Assuming it's Kim, I answer without checking the name.

On the phone... again
Hey bitch, how long till you get here?
Grayson: oh you want me to come over? And that's quite the nickname ahah
Oh shit sorry Grayson, I thought you were Kim *laughs awkwardly*
Yeah I figured, I was just calling to ask if you had any plans for today but I guess you do...
No no! I mean... I'm sure Kim won't mind if you join us
You're sure?
Yeah, positive
Okay cool I'll see you in like 15 mins
Sounds good, see ya!
End of call

Okay... so much for girls day. I go back upstairs to my room and dress into something more decent. I put on a turquoise crop top with a pair of black shorts (see above). I take my hair down nd brush it out. I soak it a little and leave down. I take a look in the mirror and smile to myself thinking of all the progress I've made.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU ANDY IM HEEEEEEERE!!!!" I hear Kim yell downstairs. I laugh and quickly make my way down the stairs to see her staring into my fridge. I laugh again and her head shoots toward my direction.

"Hey Kim, what's up?" I say. She grabs a pudding cup.

"Eating pudding. Why so fancy?" She asks.

"Oh yeah.... about that. Grayson is coming, he'll be here in about 5 minutes..." I say.


"What size are you, maybe we can share clothes now." I say, Kim has always been petit compared to me. Slowly I'm entering her world, being the same size clothes as her would be the day I feel accomplished.

"Size 5 pants and a small shirt." She responds.

"Hmm, I'm a size 7. In pants but the shirt is the same." I say

"It's that ass of yours, the Dolans are lucky coz you thick" she says and snaps her fingers. I laugh.

"I'm sure a size 7 will fit, I'll just need a belt." She says.

"Yeah, okay." I say. We go up to my room and I lend her a white strapless crop top with a pretty design and a matching pair of shorts (see above as well). It fit her almost perfectly. Almost...meaning I'm still not good enough. Soon after I hear a knock at the door. I walk downstairs with Kim and and approach the door. I take a deep breath.

"How's my hair? Do I look okay?" I ask her.

"I'm sure you look amazing as usual!" I hear Grayson's muffled voice say. I swallow hard and feel my cheeks begin to heat up. I open the door and look down at my hands. Slowly I look back up and bite my lip.

"Hey..." I say and laugh nervously.

"Hey, you look amazing by the way." He says and chuckles. I smile and blush.

"Thanks" I say.

"Oh just date already!" Kim yells. I turn to face her and give her a look that says 'why the hell would you say that'. Grayson laughs and scratches the back of his neck.

"Hey Kimberley." He says.

"So what're we gonna do today?" He asks.

"How about we go to the mall?!" Kim says.

"Sounds good." Grayson says

"I'm driving." I say.

"SHOTGUN!" Kim yells. We all laugh and go out to the car. Grayson gets in the back and grabs the aux chord as Kim and get in the front. I put my keys in the ignition and we go. Grayson turns on the prayer by Kid Cudi and we all jam out to the song. Then crooked smile by J Cole turns on. I sing and rap the whole thing Grayson occasionally joining in and Kim being the dancer. We got to the mall and laughed as we talked about all the funny stories Kim and I had about each other.

"Hey I gotta make a quick stop at Calvin Klein, I'll be back in like 5 minutes okay?" Grayson says.

"We can come with you, I need some stuff too anyway." I say. He nods and we walk into the store. We all walk together as Grayson grabs a few pairs of boxer briefs. We then walk over to the female side of the store and I call a lady over to ask my measurements. I have gotten any new bras since I lost the weight, so I need some.

"Excuse can I ask what my bra size is?" I ask.

"Of course!" She says and smiles while pulling out a measuring strip.

"You're a 32 DD, darling!" She says still smiling and she walks away.

"Damn Andy!" Gray says. Shit... I completely forgot Grayson was here. I blush and purse my lips as I smile at him. I laugh and grab a few bras for myself. We then go stand in line. Grayson was up and put his stuff down. He grabbed my stuff from my hands and put them down as well. I tried grabbing them but he grabbed my hands and held them together in one hand. I grunt and give him an angry look. He pays and we walk out of the store.

"You didn't have to do that ya know!" I say.

"But I did... your welcome!" He says and chuckles. I sigh.

"Thank you Grayson." I say.

"Okay, before we do any more shopping, let's eat I'm STARVING!" Kim says.

"Yeah me too!" Grayson says.

"So it's settled! To the food court!" Kim yells and point in the direction of the food court and lunge walks her way there. I laugh and shake my head looking at the craziness and weirdness of my best friend. We get to the court and we all walk to Chipotle. Kim orders first then Grayson does. They open up a short path for me to step up and order something. I shake my head. The two give me concerned looks before splitting the bill to pay. We find a table in the packed food court and sit down.

"Why didn't you order anything?" Kim asks.

"I had a big breakfast..." I lie.

"No you didn't, this morning at the hospital you didn't eat anything either." Grayson says.

"Yeah, after the hospital I got home and made myself a big breakfast." I explain, still lying. If I tell them I haven't been eating they'll freak out. But a little while ago I noticed that I gained like 5 pounds! I'm going to get fat again and I can't have that happening. They look at me concerned once again before starting to eat their food.

"Andrea, can I talk to you... like... over there?" Kim says gesturing toward the hallway. I nod and we stand walking away from our table and Grayson.

"Andrea, I don't want you developing your eating disorder again! You have to eat, Andrea!" Kim says.

"I have been eating silly." I say and chuckle, still lying.

"Andrea, I've known you for 4 years now. I can tell when your lying." She says and I gulp.

"I don't know what your talking about. We should probably get back to the table though. Poor Grayson is all alone now." I say in attempt to change the subject. She sighs in defeat and frowns. We walk back to the table and sit with Grayson again.

I'm so sorry guys! I know I missed Tuesday! But hopefully this is enough for you to forgive me! Also 20K how frickin crazy is that! ILYSM guys! Stay beautiful! Keep smiling! Keep dabbing on the haters! And keep working hard everyone!

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