Josh woke up to the sound of Tyler screaming.

"JOSH JOSH-" It sounded like he was gasping for air. Tyler was on the floor, screaming and struggling to breathe. Josh panicked and grabbed his phone off the counter, calling 911.  Tyler continued to shake and scream, his voice was cracking and he was in immense pain.

"911, what is your emergency?"
"M-my .. uh boy-boyfriend is, i think he's having a seizure-"
"Sir, what is your location?"
"I-I'm at **** *********"
"Our ambulance is on its way."

Josh hung up and looked back down at Tyler who was still gasping for air. He ran to get a wet towel to maybe calm him down.

The ambulance arrived quickly and Tyler was stabilized and taken into the ambulance on a stretcher with Josh by his side. Tyler was unconscious, and Josh stared at him with concern and awe.

Tyler looked so beautiful to Josh, his long lashes and and plump pink lips. It hurt him to see his baby like this. He really wanted to know what was wrong with him, and how long he'd have to live. But no one would tell him. It was like no one really knew what he had.

They got to the hospital and Tyler was rushed into a room where Josh was not allowed.  In a span of about 30 minutes, Josh had seen at least 3 doctors or nurses walk in. He began to fear for the worst.

A doctor walked in with a clipboard and a seemingly disappointed or saddened face.
"Mr. Dun, correct?"

"Y-yes sir," Josh's hands intertwined and separated several times, wiping his sweaty palms on his shirt.

"Mr. Joseph will have approximately 10 days to live, 7 of which he will be staying here. He is free to go home as of now, if any complication in breathing, movement, or mental stability is occurred please call."

Josh nodded and followed the doctor into Tyler's room, where the doctor left them alone.

"Hey Ty, you alright?"

Tyler nodded and looked up at Josh, "How long do i have to live..?"

"10 days baby boy ... ten days ..." Josh sat down on the bed with him. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this, Tyler. I really wish I knew how to help..."

"It's okay Josh, we have some time. We can do fun things. Experiment and experience!" Tyler giggled.

Josh smiled ever so slightly and Tyler's comment. "I love you Ty."

"I love you more, Josh".

Whoops next chapter is smut apparently because Experiment and Experience 😂

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