Chapter 4 - War, Archery, Or Neither

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The calming sound of birds chirping woke me up with a smile on my face. I didn't have any weird or disturbing dreams last night. In fact I slept like a baby. More peacefully than I have ever slept in my entire life.

I didn't dare open my eyes when I heard a few gasps coming from around me.

"Do people smile when they're dead?" asked a boy with a squeaky voice.

"She's not dead. Just watch" said the voice of a girl who seemed to be sitting close to me.

Then a sharp pain in my right arm made my eyes shot wide open.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I yelled. Apparently she had pinched me.

"See?! She's alive." She gave a shout of victory and grinned from ear to ear. She seemed quite pleased with herself too.

The other people surrounding me though looked disappointed I wasn't dead. I stood up and searched the cabin with my eyes. The rest were probably gone for breakfast. It was odd looking at this cabin being so vacant. Only last night was it filled with the chatters and laughs of lots of kids.

The next words that came out of the overly excited girl made me realize why the others looked defeated.

"Okay guys. Show's over. Come on. Clear those pockets and hand over the money. A bet's a bet, right?" she said.

The others reluctantly passed their money to her.

The girl grinned even wider and stashed the money in the back pocket of her ripped jeans while the others held a glum expression. I, on the other hand, couldn't keep it in anymore and burst out laughing. Everyone else soon joined in.

"You guys bet on whether I'd wake up?" I asked.

"Pfftt. No, whether you were dead or not" joked a tall well-built boy.

"Come on. Let's go get something to eat before Connor and Travis finish everything off." He said.

They made their way to the door and walked out before sending friendly smiles my way. I've only been here for one night and everyone is so nice to me it makes my heart melt.

I noticed a hand wave in front of my face a couple of times before I focused on it. I snapped out of my thoughts and found the girl who won the bet staring at me while trying not to laugh.

"Earth to Rose." She exclaimed.

I smiled and for the first time took in her features.

She was a good few inches taller than me with a healthy body. Her waist-length wavy blonde hair complemented her dazzling crystal blue eyes. She wore an orange camp T-shirt with knee-length ripped jeans. She still wore a smile on her face.

"My name's Jenia. Wanna clean up and get something to eat?" she asked.

The sound of my stomach rumbling answered her question. She laughed when she saw me blush.

"Come on" she said. She took my hand and pulled me outside. I appreciated the warm sun against my skin. Campers were either coming back from eating or playing in the volleyball court.

"You have a pretty name. I've never heard of it though" I said.

"Probably because I'm Russian" she answered and started walking towards the dining pavilion. I jogged to catch up with her.

"I take it your father is Hermes." I asked, not too sure.

"Yes. I was claimed on my third day here. But I already knew who my Dad was. My mom told me when I was about nine. I have been here for 5 years now. Came here a year later. She sent me here sooner than most parents would because I was attracting way too many monsters for her liking. What about you? Do you know who your mom is? Or is it dad?" she asked.

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