15.pt2. Healing Hands

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Cait -

The ruins go on for miles. This place must have been massive before it collapsed. I can see Jake and CC sitting on top of some rocks and rotting wood. They look miserable. We head over to them and stand around in silence. What do we do now?

"Cait... I don't think.."

Shut up! I don't want to talk to you! I wish I could block her out of my head.

"But I don't think they-"


"THEY AREN'T DEAD!" she shouts.

"It was Aniissa.. It was all Aniissa," Jake mumbles, but I don't really listen.

I stop paying attention completely and start looking around.

"What are you doing?" Demi asks.

Trying to find them.

"Oh... I'll help you out."

I feel her half take over my limbs and I unwillingly head off. I stumble clumsily over large stones as Demi leads me in the right direction. We stop at huge pile of stones. We bend down and start pulling them up. We kick the stones away in search of Andy and Aniissa. Our heart is thumping loudly in our chest and my head feels funny. I'm stronger and faster with Demi helping me out, but it hurts. I feel as if my brain is trying to push its way out of my ear.

Stop! Please! Demi let me go!

"I'm sorry!" She lets me go and I fall on top of the rubble.

There is a soft moaning sound from beneath me and I scramble back. I remove the last few rocks and uncover a hand. I clear the rocks away until I can see Andy and Aniissa huddled together, half crushed by a huge wooden beam.

"Someone help me!" I shout at the guys who apparently didn't even notice me leaving.

Ash comes running over and without asking questions, helps me lift the beam.

I sink to my knees and move Aniissa's hair from her face. "Please be alive," I whisper and take hold of Andy's hand since I can't reach hers.

"We can heal them..." Demi whispers. I can feel her concern for the pair. "If we work together we can heal them."

I look across at Ash who is frantically searching for some sign of life. Let's do it.

"I can't let you go until it's done..."


Her power joins with mine once again and I can feel it flowing through my body, through my hands and into my friend who is lying unconscious in front of me. I feel very thin, like I'm being stretched. I feel as if the life is being sucked out of me. I want it stop. I want to let it go. I want the link between us to break.

"You have to hold on Cait! Or else it won't work!" Demi's in pain too. I can tell.

"Cait... are you alright?" Ashley asks from beside me and I look at him.

I can hardly breath and the pain is causing my vision to blur. "They aren't dead yet Ash," I slur. "I have to save them."

Ash stares at me, surprised and then down at our friends.

Andy's eyelids crack open and I sigh in relief. "What's going on?" he mumbles. I'm only just able to understand what he's saying.

"ANDY!" Ashley shouts and his face lights up.

Andy raises an eyebrow in confusion and looks at me, wriggling where he lies.

"Stay still Andy, you aren't healed yet!" I snap at him and he stops wriggling. After a few minutes, I drop his hand and the pain in my head disappears. "Move your arm." He does and now I can reach Aniissa's hand.

Andy groans and turns his head to look at Aniissa. He frowns and puts two fingers to her neck, checking for her pulse. "She's gone Cait," he croaks.

"We all thought you were too," I say, barely able to form words. She isn't gone. She can't be. I pick up her hand.

"Ready to go again."


I feel a sharp pain burst through my body, a thousand times worse than before. I want to scream but I can't. I'm frozen in place.

What's happening to me?! There's no response from Demi. I beg for her to answer me but she remains quiet. I feel helpless. Like an animal caught in a trap.

Suddenly Aniissas' eye's snap open and she starts screaming. There's another jolt of pain, like an electric shock, which forces me to drop Aniissa's hand.The pain lessens dramatically but I still feel as if I am burning. I fall back and Ashley catches me. I lay there in his arms, staring down in shock, panting. Aniissa stares up at me. She looks terrible. Her skin is a sickly white and her eyes... The irises are black.

"D-don't touch me." She stammers.

"It's her demon." Demi whispers and I calm down a bit. She's still here. "It's repairing itself… It must've used a lot of energy while the house was collapsing."

Aniissa's eyes roll into the back of her head and then close. Some of the colour returns to her face and now she looks as if she's just sleeping. Every part of my body aches and I'm tired as Hell, but at least everyone is alright. I feel Ash move his arms and he lifts me off the ground. I wrap my arms round his neck and lean my head on his chest. I'm going to sleep for a while now.

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