17. Not quite right

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Cait -

I wake up in my bed. My soft, squishy, hotel bed. I hug my pillow and roll over. Instead of falling out of the bed like I usually do, I bump into something solid. I frown and reach out with my hands, keeping my eyes shut.

There is a chuckle and movement under my hands. I lift my head up and crack my eyes open. Ashley is smiling down and me. I lean my hands on his stomach and push myself up so that I’m sitting. As soon as I’m upright, my head starts spinning.

I moan and close my eyes. Ashley holds my hand to steady me and I lean into him.

“How long was I out?” I gurgle. I don’t remember what happened exactly, but I must have been super tired.

“About three hours,” Ash wraps his arm around me and I sigh.

I close my eyes and try to remember. I have a feeling it was important…

“We healed them,” Demi whispers, startling me.

It comes back to me then. The pain and the feeling of being stretched far too thin.

I sit up straight and look around. Where’s Aniissa?

Ashley seems to read my thoughts and laughs at me. “Aniissa’s fine… She went out for a walk with CC,” he smiles at me but there is something in his expression that makes me doubt it’s all good news.

“Oh… Is Andy okay?” I lace my fingers with his and chew at my lip.

“He’s better than okay… How did you heal him anyway?”

I look up at him. He’s staring at me curiously, a strand of hair dangling in front of his eye annoyingly. I reach up and brush it away.

What do I say?

“Tell him the truth.” Demi replies cheerfully.

I look back at Ashley. “My demon helped me…”

“Your what?”

“My… demon…?”

Ash nods. He must think I’m nuts.

Doesn’t he have a demon?

“He does,” Demi says, “They just haven’t spoken to him yet.”

“Never mind Ash… It was just something to do with my powers.”

“I gathered that,” Ash wriggles off of the bed. “Anyway we have a few more places to check through for the statue.”

I sigh. That stupid statue…

4 Months later -

It’s raining outside and our little group in sprawled out over the floor of the hotel room. Laptops are on and everyone is looking up to find the empty houses in the area.

Aniissa slams her laptop shut and stands up. “We are never going to find the stupid statue!” She shouts, staring at the fading mark on her hand.

I look down at my own, inspecting it closely. It has only faded slightly… I’ve been careful with my powers. I really haven’t used them since I healed Andy and Aniissa when the mansion had collapsed. I twist my head to look at Aniissa’s. It is much more faded than mine and I’m actually really worried about it. How much has she been using her powers? I pick up Ash’s hand from beside me and inspect his mark.

“What is it?” he asks, twisting a strand of my hair around his finger.

“I was just thinking…”

My World: On Fire (A Black Veil Brides Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now