Chapter Six - The Fair

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"T-thats not what I was meant to say..." I say.

"Sorry about that Kiba, I think she's a bit ill...come on Ino..." Hinata drags me inside the ladies room.

"Whats wrong with you Ino? You went bright red earlier like you had a really bad temperature." Hinata tells me,

" see" I stutter, "I kind of have a crush on Kiba..."

"No wonder you kept blushing, you hardly ever do that." She says, "I never knew you fancied anyone...well I kinda thought you liked Sasuke"

After that me and Hinata walk back outside and went to join the boys.

I see Kiba, Shikamaru and Choji having a conversation about weapons.

I sit down and see they've ordered some food which is in the centre of the table, lots of kebabs, all piled onto one plate.

"You ok Ino?" Kiba asks,

"Yeah I'm fine." I say whilst blushing slightly...Shikamaru notices but quickly takes a kebab, trying to pretend he didn't see me blush to make me not as embarrassed.

All I can hear is Choji munching in the background enjoying the meal. I take a kebab...yum! It is yummy! Every now and again Choji orders more food and drinks. We spend at least half hour in BBQ before Shikamaru says "I think I better start going..." He yawns and gets up to leave. Then 5 minutes later Kiba leaves, "Seeya guys!"

Why are they all going so early when its the weekends?...Then it suddenly hit me. Hinata goes too.

"I've got to go too" I say, "Bye!"

"Hey guys...wait! whos going to pay the bill?" Choji asks just as I leave.

I hear the women say "Well've got a huge bill there... 8531.14 yens please" I turn around to see Choji's eyes nearly popping out of his head. I guess he didn't realise we ordered that much food.

                                                          * * *

I'm daydreaming in class right now thinking of seeing Kiba in BBQ yesterday...making a big fool of myself. Poor Choji he had to pay that huge bill which we all left for him...I suppose he did order most of the food so its only fair if he pays...I feel kinda guilty...

"...theres going to be a class trip tomorrow and I need your parents to sign this slip in order to let you go." Iruka explains.

I sit up in my chair, I wonder what this trip is? Karin hands out everyone a letter.

When I get mine, I read it:

                                                Sand Village Fair

The Sand Village have been preparing for this fair for quite a while. The students are going to go on a school trip to this fair. The Sensei's that will be coming is Iruka Sensei, Guy Sensei, Kakashi Sensei and Kurenai Sensei. Tomorrow they will make the journey by train. The fair includes: fun fairs, souvenir shops, markets, stalls etc.

Parents signature.............................

Wow this sounds like its going to be fun!

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