Chapter 3; Wash It All Away♫

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           ** the house is in the pic over there ---->  Enjoy ^^   

                                              Chapter 3; Wash it all away [Evanescence]

 “Haley” A Little blond boy, 9 years old, ran up to her. She dropped her bag and swung him around. He laughed the whole time, almost drooling on her arms, but she didn’t care although she wasn’t a big fan of drool.

 “Hey little twarp, you’re getting heavy to throw around you know. Stop eating!” Haley joked, as he puffed out his cheeks.

 “No, I’m gonna eat till I’m bigger than you and then swing you around.” Jeremy said defiantly, Haley imagined him putting his hands on his hips to finish the look, and laughed to herself. 

 The door slammed open again, this time a smaller boy ran out, down the driveway.  He ran into her legs, hugging them tightly. “Haley!”

 “And you’re still as short as ever, Noah.” Haley teased, getting the half glare she expected.

 “what you talking about, Punk?” He said in his loud voice.

  His dad came around the van , carrying one of her bags. “ Hey, don’t call people that, it’s rude.”

 “She calls us punk all the time.” Jeremy argued back, going over to hug his dad.

 “She’s allowed, cause you guys are little punks.” He joked, giving him half a hug.

 “I swear, if one more person slams this poor door, I will beat you with a spoon.” Her aunt Miri came out in her apron, pretending to be serious. She went to playfully smack Jeremy on the butt, causing him to squall and run away.

  “Well, I better go unpack.” Haley lifted Noah up like he was a suitcase, and started walking towards the door. Pandora jumped out of the Van, through the front door she had left open, and licked at noah’s face.

 “Make it stop!” Noah tried yelling, but between the laughter and the licking, he barely got out any words. Finally Haley lifted him up, out of Pandora’s reach and put him down on the ground. He smacked her leg and ran behind his mother, who smacked him behind the head and told him to have manners.

 Haley laughed, a real whole heartily laugh that reached her heart.  She went back to the van and grabbed her bags with some help from Jeremy, heading towards the house with the rest of the family.  Pandora sniffed a few bushed around the front of the house, but followed when Haley whistled.  Pandora had never been here, so Haley could imagine her interest in wanting to sniff and pee on every bush.

  Her aunt Miri lead her to the basement, where the guest room , the laundry room, and the storage was. The main room had a simple couch that folds out into a bed,  and an old TV. If you went in the storage room, which was big, there were stairs that lead to the backyard, and the beautiful view of white sand.  Haley dropped her bags on the small bed, and started petting Pandora’s head. Pandora looked up at her, tongue sticking out. Right, water, she thought as she jumped up and found Pandora’s bag. She set everything up in a corner for her rottie, then walked back up stares.

  “No hug for your aunt?” She stood there arms wide open. Haley smiled big and  gave her a hug. “How was the ride? You don’t look sick, so I take it your uncle didn’t fart too much.”

 He stuck his tongue out at her, and rolled his eyes, going up to the kitchen . Haley smiled and answered. “ Long . I forgot how hot it was up here. Summer just started back home , I never seem to remember how it’s always summer here.”

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