Chapter 6; People Are Strange♫

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             Picture of what Nate looks like on the side = ) . comment what you think of the chapter ^^ vote&share the story if you like it = )                         

                   Chapter 6; People are strange [The Doors]

  His lips were warm on hers, and the fluttering feeling in her stomach intensified. He was definitely a good kisser, even though it wasn’t a long kiss. He pulled away and they both opened their eyes.

 “I-uh” Haley had no idea what to say, as a blush heated her cheeks. She frowned, not wanting to be mean, but not wanting to lead him on. She pulled her hand out of his.

 “It was worth a shot.” Nate smiled at her, looking a bit hurt. He must’ve seen the worried look in her eyes.

 “I’m just, I don’t know.” She mumbled looking away from him, feeling immensely shy to be acting so weird. “Not looking for a guy right now.”

 Nate sighed, but gave her a small smile. “You probably wanted to cancel the date from the start, right?”

  Haley gave him a sad smile “Yeah. But I don’t regret going now. It was nice hanging out with you.”

  There were a few moments of silence, making Haley wish she could’ve liked him romantically. He was cute, and funny. If not for what had happened with Spencer, she would’ve been smiling from ear to ear at that kiss.

 “It was a great kiss though.” Haley smiled at him as a small blush made its way back to her cheeks, and he looked up and smiled at her.

 “I know, great kisses are the only kind of kisses I know how to give.” He winked, going back to his cheerful self.

 Haley rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile. She had to admit, she might’ve had a little crush on Nate.  “Shut up.”

  “Hey, you said it yourself.” Nate went on, putting his arm around her shoulder as he led her up the hill. “Now, I know the urges to just throw yourself at me will be unbearable, but you’ll have to –“

 She elbowed him in the stomach, chuckling as he took his arm off her to crumple over. Haley might’ve been small, but she knew where to hit a person to make it hurt. “I think I can hold myself back just fine, thanks.”

  He straightened himself. “Wow, you went from a shy, to mean and abusive. You’re just angry that you can’t control your urges, kissing me and all tonight.”

 “What?!” Haley gasped, stepping forward to smack him, but he grabbed her wrist.

 “That’s enough beatings for tonight, I don’t think I can take any more heart break from you, evil girl.” Nate grinned at her expression as she ripped her arms out of his grip.  “Good night.”

 “Good night.” Haley smiled finally. There was a second of hesitation, but then she opened her arms for a hug, and he gladly stepped into the hug. Haley loved hugs, and she had a feeling they would be good friends.


    Work had been long, the hot sun making it feel like she’d been serving people for ages. She made decent tips that day, mostly from over-excited tourists and a few nice old ladies. 

   Her aunt had loaned her some money to buy clothes that match the colors of the resturaunts uniforms, which Nora was into floral shorts and white tops at the moment so that’s what the girls wore.

 So not fair, Haley thought to herself in a mostly kidding manner, the guys don’t have to wear flowers on their shorts. She didn’t mind too much though, she did get paid to wear the flowers after all.

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