Chapter 5; Yesterday♫

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            The picture on the side is of the restaurant [or the outside anyways] it's a random picture I got off google, like most of the pictures i post xD   Hope you enjoy it ^^ Vote && Comment.!!  && Enjoy the Beatles .!     

                               Chapter 5; Yesterday [The Beatles]

 “So Nate’s dad said you guys were going on a date tomorrow.” Her aunt said, wiggling her eyebrows as they munched on popcorn in the living room. Noah was asleep on her lap, with Jeremy and Pandora next to them on the long couch. Her aunt was cuddled up to her uncle on the two seated couch.

   “uh…” Haley started, not sure of what to say. If it had been her mom asking, she would’ve just shrugged it off, or told her to mind her own business. Then again her mom would’ve asked in a less nice way and implied she was a slut. “Yeah, I lost a bet so I have to go on a date with him.”

  Aunt Miri chuckled, and her uncle gave her a weird look. “ You lost a bet?”

   “Yeah, I met him on the beach. He said if he could guess my name, that we’d go to some sushi buffet.” Haley laughed, nervous to be talking about dating.

    “Aren’t you and Spen-“ Her uncle started, but was cut off by aunt Miri’s elbow hitting his stomach. “Ow.”

  There was an awkward silence was interrupted by Jeremy yelling something out at the action movie they were watching. His mom shushed him , as the credits started rolling on the TV.  

 “I’m off to bed, tired after today.” Haley smiled at all of them, as she headed downstairs. She changed into her boxer shorts and a tank top, before slipping into bed and turning up her music.

  It felt so lonely going to bed now, no one to warm her up and cuddle her. Her stomach tightened at the thought of not having him to cuddle anymore. You sleep alone from now on, she thought stiffly as she rolled around in bed.

 “Oh don’t be so damn dramatic. You’ll only be alone until you find someone else.” She snapped at herself. Just the thought of finding someone new, someone else she had to try opening up to, someone else that would play her and reject her, it made her eyes tear up. She didn’t even know why Spencer had been attracted to her at all, she was too skinny, with a plain face and boring brown eyes. She would never find someone else to be with, no one wanted her. All the feelings hit her at once, but the sadness over rode all the rest.

  Was she really that bad a girlfriend that she drove him into the bed of another girl. She wasn’t the jealous type, she wasn’t clingy, what did she do? Was not talking about her feelings really that bad, guys always complained about girls whining on and on about feelings.

 She started thinking in circles, with never ending stream of questions that were starting to piss her off. She had no answers, no clues to any of them. What did I do wrong,She screamed in her head, clenching her fists. She sat up, trying to calm her breathing, but she started punching her pillow. Pandora woke up from her spot on the floor, and jumped on the bed at her feet.

 Pandora snapped her out of it. She felt like she was having an emotional break down, or at least the beginning of one. She quickly realised how stupid it was to hit a pillow and stopped, taking deep breaths in and out. She put her head on the pillow, and just blocked out all thoughts with the music.


  It was a busy day at the restaurant, and Haley had been assigned to serve the tables on the patio. It was so hot outside that Haley had been tempted more than once to just run down the beach and jump into the clear, cool water.  Oh, how sweet the water would feel over her hot skin.

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