Chapter 4; Hard Day's Night♫

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     ** picture on the side is of Noah ^^  [i found the picture on google, so adorable ^^] & this chapter is dedicated to iownelephants because she's awesome ; P

                                                         Chapter 4; Hard Day's Night [The Beatles]

“Miss, I said I wanted ice cubes.” A snobby looking 30 year old snapped her fingers at Haley.  It had been two days since she’d officially met Nate on the beach.

  “Sorry, I’ll get to that right away.” She took the cup from her and went behind the bar to fill it up. She wasn’t suppose to go behind the bar since she was only seventeen, but they figured since she was almost eighteen she was allowed, as long as she didn’t try to serve alcohol.

 “Here you go.” Haley said, smiling like a good waitress. The girl just snorted as she ripped the glass out of her hand and started sucking on the straw. Haley’s fake smile dropped and she scowled at the girl. “A little bit of manners can go a far way, lady.”

 Haley stalked away to another table before the woman could protest. Amber rolled her eyes, and then sent Haley a knowing smile.  When she passed Amber a few minutes later, amber stopped her quickly.  “Hey, don’t be too discouraged about people like that. They come every so often thinking they own the world. And they don’t tip well, But since I’m not allowed to beat anyone, neither are you. Got it?”

 Haley laughed, then batted her eyes and pretended to act innocent. “I’ll try my best not to accidentally elbow her in the head when I pass by.”

 Amber laughed and pushed her back out towards the hungry crowd. Haley sighed inwardly at the sight of a rich looking group of teenagers sitting by the window. She wasn’t one to discriminate based on money, but she had a feeling that they would treat her with less than nice manners. Usually Haley wouldn’t have thought anything of it, she would’ve just walked over there unexpectedly. However Samantha warned her about them, as they had walked into the beach side restaurant.

 “Hey, I’m your server for today.” Haley repeated the introduction she’d been taught, with the perfect smile plastered on. Her insides were flopping around, awaiting the insults and judging looks. “Are you ready to order?”

 “I’ll have a hamburger, large fries, ice tea, and a side of goth ass.” The bigger guy concluded, getting snickers in response from the second guy, the three girls just rolled their eyes, still flipping through the little menus.

 “Okay, so a burger, fries, iced tea and rejection.” Haley shot back, then turned to the other people, with her smile still in place. Goth, she thought, I have a bit of eye liner and wearing jean shorts. “Any one else?”

 “um- a chicken salad, with a lemonade.” Said the small blond, who was under the guy’s beefy arm. She looked like she didn’t want to be there. Haley felt bad for her, she didn’t look like she fit in with that kind of group.

 “Well, when you’re done giving us attitude,” The dirty blond next to them sneered at Haley. “I’ll have a salad with a coke diet.”

 The other girl and guy ordered, and Haley turned to give the order to the kitchen. She heard one of them say something , causing all of them to laugh, but she kept her head held high as she walked away.   When Andrew took the order from Haley, he gave her an encouraging smile. His teeth weren’t straight , and his face had an even scatter of pimples across his skinny face, but Haley saw past all that. His dark brown eyes, much like her own, always sparkled with joy. “Ah, she’s still alive.”

 “I take it Samantha told you who I was serving?” Haley laughed as he checked out the order and called it back to Chris. Most of the staff were young, in their twenties, except for her aunt and Nora. They all got along, and Haley found herself getting comfortable with them quickly.

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