Chapter 2

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 “This is crazy talk!” my mom yelled at the doctor. “You said she was perfectly fine when we left!”

She seemed to have no brain problems she was as healthy as can be.” The doctor replied.

Then my dad started to yell something but I couldn’t understand him. Everything seemed to be swirling like I was on a tilt and whirl and people started to talk gibberish.

“Stop this madness!!” I yelled as I tried to stand up and then fell face first on the floor.

            When I awoke no one was in the room with me. I had an IV in my right hand and the world was still twirling around me but not swirling anymore. I looked for my phone again hoping to find it and call my parents. My phone was nowhere in my sight. I called for the nurse hoping to get some answers.

A nurse finally came in and as soon as she got inside the room I asked,”What happened?”

She told me to relax and she will go get my parents

            I didn’t believe her, i ddint remember a thing, so I took out the IV. I grabbed my clothes that were near me and walked out of the room. I noticed no one had rly cared that I had gotten up and out. Although I heard the heart rate recorder went off since there was no heart beat. I new everyone would run to my room so as soon as I heard the loud beep I ran down the hallway.

I heard someone yell,”Shes gone!”

            At that point I knew I had top move fast. I ran out of the hospital and ran into a guy. He looked at me and said,” You look terrible! Let me take you into the hospital and they will have a look at you.”

Before I could answer someone behind me yelled,” There she is hurry get her!” I didn’t turn around I just ran I ran like there was no tomorrow.I ran towards the street when I hear a car horn. I turn to look and everything went black.

When i awoke all i remembered was waking up in the hospital. People were around me i started to panic.

"WHo are you?" i asked

"We are your family. Your name is Allyssa." the women replied.

"I dont rememebr anything. Except waking in here then getting ran over i believe." i replied.

The little boy could not help but let out a giggle. I just stared at him and he stopped. Then i giggled and laughed.

After about a month with out my memory i went through my day learning something new everyday. I still went to school, all my friends helped me out and my teachers. I was so grateful to everyone for the help. I felt like a strong and dedicated girl so i joined student concil. I went through an entire school year before i got my memory back.

That day i was playing a game of softball. I was up to bat the pitcher threw the ball which i didnt see untill it was too late. I headed stright for my head , when it hit i went down for  a moment. I heard people shouting and the ump was by me trying to help me up. I shook my head for a moment and  got my ears to stop ringing. I took the umps hand and go tto my feet. I looked around and saw everyone i knew. I had remembered everything. I hate being up to bat.

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