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So I know that's the bit you're all dying to know. How I got so lucky to meet Jessie J, so I'm going to skip to the chase.

I've recently taken on a new client. Her name is Amy. She's 23 years old and similar to me. Well, when I say similar to me, we obviously have our differences else I wouldn't be her career. Amy was very was autistic and struggled to understand the world, people and their expressions and emotions. Everyday was a constant battle for her, we had things in place to try and make her life that little bit easier. That's what she needed, a good routine where most days were pretty much the same. Whenever we walked to the shops, we'd always have to take the same route. And if anything new was going to be introduced, we'd have to plan it months in advance so she could try and mentally prepare for it. And that's what we'd been doing these past couple of months, building up for her to see her idol on her tour which was called Alive. Jessie J was going to be doing 2 shows in London and Amy decided she was going to be brave and book tickets well in advance. These weren't just any tickets though, she managed to get her hands on meet and greet tickets. I say tickets because she had to book 2, Amy was under 24/7 care. So whoever was on shift that day, would have to go along to the concert to supervise her.

I can't stress how much of a big deal this was for Amy. She'd never been to a concert before as she wasn't sure she could handle the large crowds. So prior to Jessie J, we took Amy out to much smaller concerts, to see how she'd react. And it was hard at first but she started to get used of it eventually. I remember the first show, she didn't even make it passed the queue. But with the Jessie J concert just 2 weeks away, we'd managed to build it up to Amy making it inside the venue. But she just couldn't handle staying there for any longer than 10 minutes. Most of the time we wouldn't even see the support act finish their first song. There was one more concert we had to try but it didn't go to plan. At all. If anything it undone all of our hard work. I don't know if it was the kind of people that attended the show that night, maybe they was a bit louder, more rowdy. But it scared the life out of Amy and that's when she made the decision to pull out of the Jessie J concert. She knew she'd be wasting her money. She tried to put the tickets on eBay but because it was so last minute and so close to the gig, she wasn't able to sell them in time. That's when she suggested that I went along to the concert and the only reason I agreed was because I had sneaky plan in mind. I wasn't a massive Jessie J fan if I'm being honest. I'd heard some of her stuff and I found a couple of her songs catchy, but it's not the kind of music I'd listen to.

Anyway, back to my bright idea. I remembered that the tickets were meet and greets, so I thought I'd go along and try my best to get Jessie J to record a little video for Amy. Just saying hello or some sort of acknowledgment from her idol. I thought it'd be nice for Amy to have that at least. And I was pretty confident I'd be able to persuade Jessie J to do it for me, I had the gift of the gab.

The 29th of October came round quickly, it was finally the night of the concert. I was so excited, not for the show. But to hopefully be able to make Amy happy. I had a plan of action, I was simply going to explain the whole situation to Jessie J and I was pretty sure she'd have no problem doing this once she knew how much Amy idolised her. We'd been instructed to get there early so we could watch the rehearsals first. And then we were going to meet Jessie J before the actual show started.

When I arrived at the venue, there was around 30/40 people waiting in the main reception area. I'd never been to anything like this before, so I quickly checked with one of the girls there if they was waiting for the meet and greet too. Which they was. I quickly made friends with a group of girls that were there, so I didn't feel like a complete loser going by myself. I could tell they were all massive fans as the only thing they ever really spoke about was the lady we were all waiting to meet. After about 20 minutes of just standing around waiting, finally someone came and showed us the way to rehearsals. And I've gotta admit, I was pretty blown away by Jessie J's vocals. I don't remember her voice being that incredible on the radio. She was fantastic live. And she looked pretty cute too. She was dressed casually, joggers and a vest top. Everyone cheered and sung every line to every song and Jessie J really interacted with the 30/40 people in the audience. It felt quite intimate. I couldn't help but wish Amy had come, I knew she'd have been able to handle this small amount of people. She probably would have even joined in, singing along with everyone else. But I must have stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn't know any of the words to the songs and guess who noticed? Only Jessie bloody J. She walked across the stage, mid song and completely stopped singing. She leant forward to look directly at me and said

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