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I closed the door as quickly as I had opened it. I ran and quickly grabbed my dressing gown but before I opened the door again, I decided to take a sneaky look through the peep hole. Jess was still stood outside my front door, biting down on one of her fingers, then shaking her hands before bringing them up to her head. She turned away and I could hear her saying "fuck, fuck, fuck. Remember to keep your cool Jess, keep your cool." It was like she was pep talking herself. As she turned to face the front door I decided I had to get over this sheer embarrassment and just let her in. I opened the door saying,

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" and as I said my sincere apologises I could feel my cheeks burning.

"That's okay. Expecting someone was we?"

"Certainly not you" I replied honestly while showing Jess in. We both made our way in to the living room and Jess made herself at home, she sat on my sofa and carried on our conversation.

"I'm guessing you was expecting to see Carmen? That Latino?"

"Yes. She was just here but she stormed out a couple of hours ago. I thought she'd come back"

"To kiss and make up?" Jess probed.

"Yes I guess you could say that" I replied cautiously, trying my best not to give too much away. It felt awkward talking about this stuff with Jess.

"What brings you here anyway" I questioned in an attempt to get off the topic of me and Carmen.

"Well, erm, erm, my tour finished tonight and I wanted to come and see how it went with your stitches"

"Oh it was fine thank you. Wasn't as painful as I thought it would be"

"That's good. I'm glad to hear it. I guess I should leave you to it now anyway. You clearly have plans already. I'm sorry for just turning up" and as she finished that sentence she stood up from the sofa, bringing her to my level where I was standing. I reached my arms out to give her a hug goodbye and as I held on to her I informed her that usually people message first before just turning up at someone's house.  That's when Jess corrected me and mentioned she had text but I didn't reply so she thought she'd surprise me. She seemed so sweet. I couldn't resist her and as I pulled away from our embrace, I looked intensely in to her eyes and pleaded,


"No you have plans and I feel like I'm intruding." She confessed.

I took both of Jessie's hands in mine and they nervously started swinging down by our sides. I completely forgot what I was going to say as I got lost in her eyes. I couldn't figure the colour out, sometimes they looked green and other times they were more a grey/blue kind of colour. Regardless of colour, they were the prettiest eyes I'd ever seen. So big and endearing. Jess coughed to encourage me to say something,

"Sorry I completely forgot what we was talking about. You have very beautiful eyes"

"Oh shut up" she replied while playfully punching my arm and giggling. It was adorable to see her going shy, I didn't think she would since she must hear that sort of thing on a daily basis.

"Don't try and act shy... You must hear that all the time" I teased as I started to poke her sides causing Jess to squeal and run away. Her reaction only revived my urge to tickle her even more so I began chasing her around the room. She was quick but I was strong. The only way I could catch her was to dive on her and pin her down.

"No please don't Sienna" she begged as she could feel my hands making their way to her tummy. She started wriggling and trying her best to get away from me but I was too strong for her. I kept her tightly pinned to the floor until I could feel her getting tired beneath me. She eventually gave in and I got my own way, I tickled her until tears were falling from her eyes from laughing so hard. That's when she done the unthinkable, I felt Jess place her hand between my legs, under my dressing gown. I was so shocked I completely froze for a second and that's when Jess quickly grabbed hold of the belt to my gown a whipped it off, revealing my naked body. I jumped up and quickly tried my best to cover myself up while Jess made a quick escape and was running round the living room with my belt. Thinking she was clever. I tried my  best to chase her for it but it was kind of hard while trying to keep my dressing gown together, covering up my dignity. Didn't stop me from trying though. But what did stop me was when we heard someone walk through the front door. Me and Jess came to a standstill and just looked at each other slightly confused. Then I remembered Carmen had her own key to my place.

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