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The next morning I woke up to the sound of laughter flooding through the room. I shot upright on the sofa and discovered Carter in Jessie's arms, both in fits of giggles. This was the first time I'd ever heard him laugh and I know this was supposed to be a heart warming moment, but I can't believe I missed his first laugh, all because of sleep. I suddenly felt worry rushing through my veins. I couldn't help but panic and wonder what else I could sleep through.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Have you been up for long? Why didn't you wake me?" I questioned.

"Calm down babe. I've got it under control. Everything's fine."

"Have you been up long?"

"Not even 5 minutes. This little guy woke up happy this morning, giggling away in his bed, didn't you little man" while tickling Carter's belly.

"Really?" a slight smile spreading across my face. It was good to hear the little guy was so happy. He obviously felt content and was oblivious to what was going on. Which was probably for the best. After all I know how it feels to be rejected by your own mother. I hoped Carter was too young to understand.

Anyway, after lots of reassurance, Jess managed to convince me that I wasn't a bad big sister and that there would be plenty more giggles to come. She totally had control of the situation and had already changed his nappy, his bottle in the microwave and was currently pulling silly faces at him to keep him entertained. So I figured I'd make myself useful and make us some coffees and breakfast. After Jess finished feeding Carter, it was nap time for the little fella and food time for us. Jess told me the plans over breakfast, we were on a tight schedule today. She'd organised for us to go and get a few things for Carter and then she had rehearsals after lunch. But we only had half an hour to get ready now because a car was coming to collect us at 9am. We quickly finished breakfast, got ourselves ready and was in the car on our way to the shops. We pulled up right outside the front of Mamas and Papas, where a few guys stood outside with camera's.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Someone must have told the paps I was coming here today" Jess outraged.

"Do you want me to take Carter?" I offered, since Jess had him in a baby sling, draped around her neck so Carter was lying across her chest.

"No it's okay. Don't worry about it babe. Let's just go in, keep your head down and don't look in to any of the camera's, no matter how bright they flash."

So I done as I was told. Dave (Jessie's driver) came round and opened the door. Jess led the way and I followed closely behind.

"Jess, is this a new family member? Is this the baby you posted on instagram? Is it your new little nephew?" these were a few of the many questions the pap guys were shouting. Jess completely ignored them, kept her head down and walked straight in to the shop, where we were greeted by the store manager.

"I'm so sorry Miss Cornish. I have no idea how they found out you was going to be here. I thought I was working with a team of professionals and can assure you further investigations are going to be carried out to find the culprit. This situation will be dealt with immediately and I can't apologise enough."

Jess guaranteed it was fine and told him not to take the investigation any further. After some polite conversation between the two, the manager finally left us alone and let us wonder round the store, looking at things we need. And I have to admit, the furniture they had here was absolutely stunning, I had fallen in love with almost everything. But I soon fell out of love the minute I laid eyes on the price tags.

"I can't afford any of these things Jess. We have to leave"

"Don't worry about money Sienna okay? I've got this"

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