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I didn't have much time to listen to the voices in my head. I was soon interrupted by Jessie coughing.

"So this isn't awkward or anything" she teased.

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting that"

"Neither was I... I don't know where it all came from. I'm sorry Sienna. I guess I just didn't like the idea of you thinking I was into someone else when you're the one I like."

But before I could say anything I noticed Jessie's face change colour all of a sudden. She looked like she'd just seen a ghost, I'd never seen someone's face change colour so rapidly. And she started to moan softly, "Ouch, ouch, ouch." She slowly got up out of the bed and started to shake her arm from side to side.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine babe. Just give me a minute"

Oblivious to what was going on, I gave Jess some space and patiently waited on the bed for her. Jess paced up and down the room, furiously shaking her arm. After 5 minutes or so had passed, she placed herself on the bed next to me and lay back down.

"What was all that about?" I asked curiously.

"It's a long story," she replied.

"We have plenty of time"

"Well, I was quite a sickly child when I was younger. And from time to time, I still get this achy pain on the right side of my body. It's kind of like pins and needles."

"What was wrong with you as a child?"

"Well, when I was 11 years old I was told I had an irregular heart beat and had the same heart condition as my dad. And at the age of 18 I suffered from a minor stroke. My health isn't as bad now as it was before. But my right side still gets a little achy when I am tired or stressed."

"Oh my god! Do you want me to call a doctor or take you to hospital?"

"No, please don't freak out. I'm used of it now honestly." She assured me.

Then she went on to explain that she just has to make sure she's looking after herself and not pushing herself too hard. She needs to be realistic. When she's too tired she knows that she has to rest. That's when she made the decision to call in sick tomorrow for work. Which is something she hated doing because she knew she'd be letting people down. After speaking to her for a while it was clear to see the amount of pressure she was always under, she had shows booked every day for the next year. And it's not like if say her drummer or someone was sick, she could send someone else in for a few shows. But she couldn't just send a lookalike in, she can't be replaced. Anyway, she got the dreaded phone call out of the way and her management were somewhat understanding. They still wanted her to do a couple of telephone interviews from home. But at least she could stay in bed, rather than having to get up at silly o'clock, get ready and head to the studios.

For the rest of the night we lay in bed, Jess snuggled up right under my arm. She was a right fidget while watching horrors. She would jump at any little noise, but of course I didn't mind as it meant she would nuzzle herself a little closer to me every time something scared her. After my movie choice finished, Jess wanted to end the night with something light hearted so she put on a romantic comedy.

It was amazing spending time like this with her. I mean we have spent most nights together for the last 3 or 4 weeks. But tonight was different. And not just because of her little confession earlier. I hadn't forgot that Jess told me she likes me. It hadn't left my mind. But it was different because I was seeing a more diverse side to her. A more vulnerable side. The only way I can describe it is that I felt like up until this point, I'd only really met Jessie J. The strong, independent, feisty singer. But now I was getting to know Jessica. And the more I got to know, the more I wanted to know.

We spent most of the night just talking. Jessica told me more stories from her childhood and asked me questions about mine. But I didn't really like talking about it as it reminds me of being rejected by my own mother. And since things are okay between us now, I'd rather talk about the present rather than my past. And Jess completely understood when I explained that to her, so I mostly just shared stories about my little brother Carter. I was playing a pretty big part of his life as my mum was trying to get over postnatal depression. And the treatment she was receiving could take 2-4 weeks to take effect. But even just talking about Carter now was making me feel a little upset. I wasn't happy about being away from him for so long. And I think Jess could tell.

"We should go and see him tomorrow" she suggested.

"I don't think so babe. You're supposed to be resting"

"I can still rest while you do your thing with your little brother. Couldn't your mum bring him here instead and he can spend the day with us?"

"I guess I could ask her in the morning"

"Please do. I'd love to meet him. He looks adorable from the pictures."

Jess evidently wasn't just a pretty face. Why hadn't I thought about asking my mum to bring him over sooner? I've gone all this time without seeing him. Oh well. It wasn't any use beating myself up over it. But on that note I suggested it was time we tried to get some sleep, since we have the possibility of having our hands full tomorrow.

Jess was still lying in my arms, with her head resting on my chest, our eyes hadn't really left each other the whole time we'd been talking. Okay, that's a lie on my behalf. I often caught my eyes wondering to her lips, they looked so pink and so full. I really wanted to kiss them but didn't have the confidence just yet. So as we said goodnight to each other, I softly kissed Jessie's forehead and said,

"Sweet dreams gorgeous girl."

And I could feel her smiling in to my chest.

"You too even more gorgeous girl"

Man were my cheeks burning right now. I felt as if they were on fire. Jess brought her hand up to my chest and softly ran her fingers over my collar bone. I know it sounds crazy and intense, but even the slightest touch from her sent shivers down my spine. I felt like electricity was rushing through my whole body and the goosebumps made it fairly apparent, the effect she was having on me. That's when she lifted her head up to look me deep in the eyes and no words were needed as I knew exactly what she was thinking. She wanted to kiss me. She leaned forward and softly pressed her lips to meet mine for the first time. And it's true what they say... The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it even reaches the lips.

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