Chapter 17: Wait What?

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~Jaycee's POV~

I sat there and listened to JC explain what had happened to me. He said it was all his fault but it was my decision and I didn't want him taking the blame.

"JC, don't blame yourself. Nobody liked her. I don't think you really did either."

"Well I did at first but then I started not to after like a few months. To be honest, I think I really like Jenn."

"Awe really? My brother likes my best friend?"

"Shhh. Keep it down. I don't want anyone knowing." he said while a slight blush crept across his cheeks.

"That's so cute." I smiled. He just looked up at me then at the doorway. I turned to see who it was and I saw the one face I've been dying to see. Connor's. He smiled and walked over to me.

"I'm so glad you're okay. JC was beating himself up last night for it."

"I know. I've been telling him all morning that it wasn't his fault."

"Either way, I'm just glad you're okay." he said, gently hugging me. Seconds later, the doctor came in.

"Good. You're up. I have great news."

"What is it?" I smiled at the words he said.

"The only damage you have is a few cuts and bruised ribs. You're free to go home whenever you feel like it."

"Thank you so much. Can I go home at noon?"

"Yes of course." he said before walking out.

"I promise to keep my eyes on you until you're okay." JC said.

"Dude, I'm fine. You don't have to worry."

"Okay. Well I still want to take care of you."

"That's fine. Just don't over do it this time." I told him as I got out of bed and walked over to Connor.

"Let's get the others and go home."

"Okay." they both said as they helped me down the hallway aamd to the waiting room. Nobody was awake yet so Connor went to them.

"Hey guys. We gotta go home."

"But what about---Jaycee!" Jenn screamed as she ran over to me. Her scream woke up Trevor and Alex up.

"Omg. She's okay." Trevor said excitedly. I smiled and turned to Alex.

"So how are things going with Kian?" I winked, playfully nudging her side. She gave me a weird look and then smiled.

"Great actually. I can't believe he threw that surprise party for my birthday."

"Yeah I know. Sorry for ruining it." I said.

"Oh you didn't ruin it. But I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah. Now let's go home." Trevor said. We all agreed and headed back to our house.

When we got back, I laid down on the couch and coughed.

"You okay?" JC asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Want anything?" Kian asked, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"No thanks. I'm good." I gave him a smile and he went to sit next to Alex. I was proud of her but I couldn't help but be a tiny bit jealous. After all, I did have him first and he only went to her to move on from me. Connor came over from the kitchen and sat next to me.

"Jay, I'm gonna make a run to Taco Bell for just us. What do you want?" he whispered.

"Just one of those box meals with 2 soft tacos, fries, cinnamon twists and a root beer please?" I whispered back. He nodded and got up.

"I'll be back later you guys. I gotta go get some stuff." he said before walking out the door. I leaned back on the couch and quickly fell asleep.

~1 hour later~

I woke up in my bed an hour after I fell asleep downstairs. Sitting next to me was Connor with my food.

"Thank you." I smiled while grabbing my food.

"Hey. It's no problem at all for you Jay." he said while taking my free hand. I smiled and continued eating my taco. I looked over at Connor and he was staring at me with a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I asked. The lettuce and meat juice were dripping down my chin.

"You got a little something on your face." he smiled and wiped it off, scooting closer each time. Seconds later, he pulled me onto his lap as we stared at each other. He was honestly such an amazing guy.

"Hey Connor?"


"I'm sorry for everything that I've done to hurt you in the past."

"Jay, it's fine. The past is the past and it's behind us. Besides, most of it is my fault anyway." he chuckled. It was really cute honestly.

"Yeah that's true. I'm just glad we've had the chance to start over."

"Jay, I love you."

"I love you too." I said. He smiled his dorky but cute little smile and started leaning in. Within like 3 seconds, his lips were soon attached to mine and I found myself kissing him back. Honestly, I really missed having him as mine. I actually do love him and I just wish that we could be together again.

When he pulled away, he just stared at me like an idiot. I blushed and looked down. He moved my chin up with his finger and just stared into my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Has anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are?"

"Yeah. Plenty of people have. You tell me everyday."

"Well can I ask you something I've been wanting to do again for a long time?"

"Sure. Go ahead and ask." I said. He looked into my eyes and smiled. When he took my hand, he let out a sigh and continued talking.

"Will you be my girlfriend...again?"

A/N: that's it for this chapter. and sadly, this story will be ending soon. :(
thank you all. you're all amazing people.
don't forget to...
stay beautiful~ ♥

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