Chapter 26

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{A/N: This is the long awaited end to this book. But don't worry. This is not the last chapter. Technically, the last chapter is going to be split into a few different parts, each one ending with a surprise you would never see coming Hope you enjoy.}

Dorothy had to follow the yellow brick readout I'm gonna have you following the red sidewalk. Have fun! ;)


I looked up and saw that the entire sidewalk was painted red and each block had a big black arrow painted on it. I saw that Cameron had disappeared and I was alone once again.

I followed the sidewalk and ended up at a restaurant. I saw Ricky sitting inside with some girl that I didn't know so I walked in and went up to them.

"Hey Ricky."

"Oh. Hey Jay. This is my girlfriend Julianna. Jul, this is Connors girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you Jay."

"You too." I said to her then turned to Ricky. "Do you know anything about this whole scavenger hunt thing?"

"Yeah. I was told to give you this note." Ricky said as he pulled out a folded piece of paper. I took it from him and slowly began to carefully read each word.

Well hello my love. This is the third clue. There's more to come. Just unriddle the riddle below and the answer will be where the next note is located.

You'll be like the princess with the pea, if you feel where this clue might be.

love you ♥

-Connor :)

"Are you serious? How am I supposed to know the answer to this Ricky? I don't read fairytales."

"I know the answer but I'm not allowed d to give it to you. Sorry."

"Wait...I think I've read the princess and the pea before. Doesn't the prince keep testing different princesses to see if they can feel the pea under a certain amount of mattresses?"

"Very good Jay. You're next clue will be under the mattress in your room." he told me. I thanked them and headed back to the house.

I ran straight into my room and lifted up the mattress to find a folded piece of paper with my name on it. I pulled it off the bed and opened it. The paper was absolutely blank. All of a sudden, I heard a voice coming from the other side of the room.


I slowly turned around to see Jenn. She had a huge smile on her face and I could tell she knew what was going to happen.

"Okay. What's going on?"

"You'll have to find the next clue first." she said before running out of the room.

Well I guess I would just have to be patient and follow the clues exactly how I was supposed to. Off to the bathroom I go.


A/N: sorry for the long wait. and sorry it's so short. I'm coming up with ideas for the rest of this book. it's slowly coming together and I'm so proud of this story. thank you all for your input and for viewing the story. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. ♥

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