Where the HECK am I?

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted, been on vacation, it started yesterday and well, I didn't have time to post. Plus I was sick and running a high temperature, but I'm really really really sorry for not uploading ;( So without further ado........ THE STORY!! 



So when she said bye, I heard an Irish accent. Even more Irish than mine! But when I looked at her, she looked scared. All of a sudden, I hear a voice yell "Hide and Seek!" And Kaylie takes off, running outside. I realized she was probably going to go home. She acted like it was a big mistake for her to even talk in that accent.

Anyways, it started like this: All the fans had gone, and we were the only ones left, with Kaylie and her friend.

All of a sudden, Liam comes up to her and starts screaming about a spoon. I know it's bad, so I started walking over to her and the boys, her friend no-where near me. When I'm walking up, I hear Zayn say, "YOU TOLD ME THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY HAIR!" I hear her smart mouth back. "But there was!" "THEN WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT!!"Zayn was getting pissed. "It's on your head," was the calm reply.

It took all my willpower to not bust out laughing at this girl. She was hilarious! And she could sing, and dance, and play instruments!

I looked at the boys and a prank plan formed. I distracted her with my 'charming' Irish accent. They grabbed her. Harry was the first to make fun of her. "Are you wearing green just for Niall?" he asked. She replied, "No, I hate your music and your band. The only reason I came is so that I could celebrate my best friend's birthday!" I was shocked. Maybe that Nandos wasn't such a bad idea after all...... She answered the rest of the questions rather harshly, and when she said bye, her accent changed to a thick Irish one. Then she screamed something weird, and I hear 'Hide and Seek!' And she runs.


Gosh, that girl is hot. I hear her telling Zayn that I deserved what she gave me. Um?!? WHAT?!?! I am the one and only Harry Styles from One Direction. How can she resist my flirting? I am like, THE heartthrob of ALL the girls. NO ONE can resist my dimples..... and my curls....... and my beautiful eyes. How DARE she not like me? She should be all over me!

Unless..... she likes someone else?

No! Get a grip, Harry Styles!

But maybe she........

likes Niall? or Zayn? or Liam? or Louis?

No! That's crazy!

Brain: But she's perfect, she's everything you ever wanted

Heart: There are other girls. Did you see that brunette?

Brain: But dude, she is like EVERYTHING!

Heart: That brunette likes you. Besides, you'll never see her again. It's not meant to be!

Brain: She's talented, she can sing, play instruments, dance, kick your arse, everything that is perfect in a girl.

Heart: I guess brain is right. I say if you see her again, it's meant to be? Yea?

Brain: Yea.

I have to find a way to see her again!

And that Irish accent is surprisingly hot on her.

Ahhhh. Time to take a shower and be naked for once today!


So anyways, I get out my flashlights and look around, trying to find the extra keys.

Wait a second! A Nandos bag? What the hell was Nandos? And where the hell am I? I poke around some more. 

Eeeeeewwwww! Are those boxers? Spongebob boxers?!?!?

This- this isn't my car! W-w-where was I?

I was starting to panic.

See, I have this thing, where my lungs clog up if I'm panicked and I pass out and have to be rushed to the hospital.

That also happens with cigarettes and alcohol, so I don't smoke or drink. I sneak out, but I start to hear footsteps, so I dive underneath a bunk.

I panic. 'What if I get caught? What will I say?



Then, I get a whiff of cigarette smoke. I start to feel woozy, so I crawl farther back, and see a half empty wine cooler.

The last thing I hear before I pass out is someone say "Hide and Seek time!!!"


I thought it would be a good idea to play hide and seek, I mean, what better to get your mind off something.

Except carrots.


That girl was allergic!

How COULD she?!?!?!?

OF all the insulting things?




"9........10!" "HERE I COME!"

Gotta find those boys.......


ok people! I hope this chappie is longer. If its not, im so so sorry! I have had really bad writers block all week and been sick all vacation! gahhhhh! so anyways, i really hope it's longer..... :(

also, i need ideas! please message me or something!

Also, i need a new character. so if you have any ideas:

message me




physical description:

boy out of 1D:


best trait:


thank you!!!

~ Ally xXx

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