14 | Worthwhile

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Music: Entrance Into the Northern Water Tribe, The Track Team (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

                    The corridor in the modest Upper Ring house was shrouded in darkness but for a small stream of warm light coming from the door to the cluttered study, accompanied by the faint scent of jasmine tea.

Inside the study, the light weakly illuminated the slightly hunched figure of the older man, the steam rising from his teacup sometimes misting over the glass of the oil lamp before it disappeared into the darkness. A letter scroll lay before him, unopened and bearing the seal of Oyaji, the Guardian of the Temple of Kyoshi.

Carefully, General Iroh adjusted the intensity of the light, the brightened flame flickering across his features and casting shadows over the deep lines in his face. The dry sound of the fan-shaped seal breaking disturbed the peaceful silence, followed by the rustling sound of the scroll being opened. The green and blue ribbon he put aside.

His clever eyes trailed quickly over the characters and softened as he read the letter. Then a slight smile appeared on his lips and he nodded in approval.

                    The Water Tribe ship carefully navigated its way through the many icebergs littered across the southern seas as Zuko and Katara stood behind the bow and watched the otter penguins jumping on and off of the grim, floating mountains.

The cheerful scene made for a wistful sight for the both of them. The odd creatures reminded Zuko of his darkest years, which he'd spent in these waters trying to find the Avatar, following his banishment; for Katara, they were a harsh reminder of the long time that had passed since she'd last seen her family.

Zuko looked up when the Water Tribe captain approached them and gave them a respectful nod.

"We're almost there. After we've rounded this last iceberg, we will reach the harbor," he informed them.

Katara only managed a vague nod, her eyes fixed on the iceberg before them. Her hands were clenching the railing, her knuckles turning white, as if she had to stop herself from blasting the obstacle out of the way.

"The city has become splendid, if I may say so," the captain added carefully, casting a hesitant look at the Water Princess, but only the young Fire Lord acknowledged his words by giving him a polite nod.

"Thank you, Captain."

Having seen the slight worry in the firebender's otherwise reserved gaze, the captain turned to leave when the ship sailed past the iceberg, momentarily pausing to see Zuko's eyes widen at the breathtaking sight unfolding before them.

The iceberg had given way to a spectacular view. The first thing they saw were two enormous pillars, each topped by a wave holding the Water Tribe emblem, marking the entrance to the harbor. The entrance itself was guarded by two equally awe-inspiring polar wolves glaring menacingly at every ship that sailed past them. A slender tower stood to the side, overlooking the single, snow-covered mountain that formed a natural barrier between the harbor and the city behind it.

The city itself was magnificent, rising from the foot of the snowy mountain range surrounding the bay, glittering crystalline in the golden light of the autumn sun. Houses built of snow stretched out as far as the eye could see, and the astoundingly-large city was crowned with an enormous palace made of thousands crystalline pillars. Zuko counted at least seventeen domes crowning several smaller towers, and one tower that rose from the heart.

This was the Southern Water Tribe, realm of the southern waterbenders, resurrected to surpass its former glory.

Silent tears ran down Katara's cheeks as they sailed past the enormous polar wolves, the mainmast only reaching the wolves' withers. Pride, sadness, and happiness were storming behind her eyes at the breathtaking sight of the city - her city - before them.

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