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Music: His Brightest Star Was You, Two Steps From Hell

                          The clear sound of a robin blackbird singing his wintery song brought Katara back to consciousness. Eyes fluttering open and breath catching, she woke with a start from the nightmare haunting her from a pitch black nothing.

In her dreams, stone gloves kept flying towards her, squeezing her throat tightly as she kept seeing the look of horror in Zuko's eyes. And always, the pirate captain appeared before them, lashing out at Zuko. But just when she'd thought she could never leave this spiral of despair, the thunderstorm raging around them dispersed and her bare feet landed softly in a field of fragrant fire lilies. Her hair fell gently around her shoulders as the hem of her dark blue silk dress came to rest against her delicate ankles.

Everything grew quiet around her. Only the endless sea of fire lilies and a few white clouds in the clear blue sky above her seemed to move in an invisible breeze. Then a soft whisper, full of regret, echoed against invisible boundaries.

'Katara... Ka... Tara... I'm sorry...'

Tilting her head, Katara listened attentively. Somewhere inside, she knew she recognized the voice but she couldn't place the owner. But the words somehow took a weight from her shoulders, and then a hand lightly touched her arm. She looked up to see Zuko standing next to her, watching her intently. Her heart leapt in her chest. Then the sound of the robin blackbird's song pulled her up to another level of consciousness.

She became aware of the smell of fresh linen and her body appeared to be resting on a soft futon. The air was filled with the sweet, musk-like scent of fire lilies.

Hesitantly, she lifted her arm and put her hand on her forehead, then slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze met with a high ceiling decorated with lush carvings of pomegranates. She appeared to be wearing what looked like some sort of hospital gown and when she turned her head, she saw her Earth Kingdom robes lying on a stool next to her, clean and folded. Her water pouch was resting on top of it.

The sound of soft pitter-pats drew her attention, and Katara came eye to eye with a fluffy white creature that curiously touched her hand with its sensitive nose, followed by a soft meow.

Next to her, someone stirred and then a husky voice said drowsily, "Miyuki."

                    Toph woke with a sigh, opening her sightless eyes to the new morning. Immediately, she detected that the arms wrapped around her felt different from before. More relaxed somehow.

She also noticed that she hadn't felt this well rested in a very long time. Trying to understand the change in them both after having suffered for weeks from the intensifying nightmares, she stayed motionlessly in Aang's hold.

Toph's eyes widened. The nightmares. She couldn't remember having had one this night. However, she did remember dreaming that she was flying on Appa through the chilly night sky to land near the Eastern Air Temple. She'd felt lonely, but then she'd sensed the Earth Kingdom far below. A gust of wind had made her step back and a hand had gently taken hers. Relief had coursed through her when she'd understood he'd been by her side all this time. Together they had sat underneath the starlit heavens.

Aang stirred slightly as he woke up, not ready to give up his peaceful dreams yet. He felt strange.

As always, his dreams had started with the now-familiar feeling of losing Toph, and his feelings of guilt towards Katara when he inevitably would turn toward Toph. But this time, the dream had changed direction and suddenly he'd seen a glimpse of Katara standing barefoot in a field of fire lilies. She seemed to have heard his whispered apology to her and to his surprise, an expression of utter relief had passed over her features. Then her expression had brightened as she'd accepted the outstretched hand of someone Aang couldn't see.

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