Chapter 1 "Bad or Nice"

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It all started when I wake up early one the morning when my alarm clock called. I did't react first but when the signal became stronger and stronger, I start to react. It end up when my mom ran inside my room, she ran to my table bedside me and took my mobile to turn off the alarm clock. She sat at the edge of the bed and looked worried..

"Then was the time in.. It's Monday and thats means a new day in your wonderful school," she said while she laugh a little quiet and sounded sarcastic. She looked down at me and then down at the ground.

"Mm," I said, trying once again to go back to sleep, but after a while I realized that it didn't work and then I gave up.

Mom stood up, walked out of the room and then I heard how she start picking in the kitchen. I took my phone who was lying next to me in bed, looked at the watch. It was ten past 7. I realized I had to start to fix me if I would make it to the school started. I stood up, walked over to my closet where they stuck out clothes from all sides .. I open the first box grabbed a white blouse and a pair of black tight jeans. I moved on to the bathroom and got ready myself.

After 40 minutes, I stood ready at the front door. My hair was still wet from the quick shower. I had put on a little mascara and a lip gloss with a bit of pink effect, not too much of course. School starts about a 20 minutes so I have a lot of time, it will only take 10 minutes to go if you go at the right pace. Before I walked out the door I went into the kitchen, took an apple, then I went back to the door again.

"Bye," I shouted, no answer so I just slapped the door. I took my headphones out of my pocket, put on one of Justin Bieber's songs, put on the headphones and then started walking.


I grab the door to the school, trying to push it so it can open. But it's so heavy, it is certainly broken, again...

"Do you need help?" Says a foam voice behind me, a deep voice, not too dark. But in the middle. I didn't recognize it..

I turn quickly around. And there stands a tall guy, not very long but a few inches taller than me, and he smiled to me. He has dark brown hair, not really long but not to short.. He had a black piercing on his lip, a black hoodie, and jeans. He had a nice face whit blue eyes. His smile was so cute!

"Holy shit," I said quietly to myself.

"Huh? Did you wanted help or what?" He said and looked at me like I was wired or something.

"Yeah, it's stuck," I said quietly and backed some steps so he came by. He just took his hand on the door and pushed the door lightly.

"There you go" he said and walked past me, and then into the school. I just stood there and stared. I didn't understand, at first, he was a precious and wanted to help me, two seconds later, he gave me an enemy eyes. And thats why I don't understand the guys! But I know one thing.. That smile? I will not be able to stop thinking about..

I grabbed the door before it just would slam and closed. Then I would of course not get it up again.. I stepped in to the school and start walking to my locker. Most annoying was that my locker was on the other side of the school entrance. So they took a few minutes to get there. My school was pretty big.. But finally I was there.

"ANIIIIIIEÊ!", I heard someone scream. I quickly turned around and there were Melladieé, waving his hands up, down, down, up type twenty times. I laugh a little quiet, before I got a hard, warm hug from her.

Melladieé was my very best friend, we've been friends since we were little. I sometimes call her Mell. We are arguing at least once a week, but otherwise, we love each other as if we were siblings. Melladieé has long blonde hair, a few inches longer than me, big blue eyes with a lot of mascara. She is as tall as me, and we have the same size in clothes. Melladieé have the world's coolest fashion style, I like to call it "who cares" style. She has what she wants to wear, she doesn't care about what other people think. Melladieé is nice to them who are nice to her, and mean to them who are mean to her. She loves to shop and check out the series. She has five other siblings, and they does so she doesn't get as much attention in her family. They does so she hang out with the wrong people.. Sometimes she smokes and goes to parties where it can go overboard, she lose her virginity last winter when she was at a Christmas party with her cousin Nathalie.

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