Chapter 8 "Are you serious!?"

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I waked up by that I lay in a bed on Jack's chest. He hold his hand around my chest and it was kind of cute..

But.. What the hell? Where am I? I know where I'm.. But, oh..

I'm also sweating like a pig.. It's really hot in here.

Oh no. Now I remember.. I fall asleep here, I-I have to go home! Mom will fucking kill me! She'll give me a curfew and everything!

I sat up really quickly and took the cell phone from my pocket.

It was 9 in the morning.

22 missed calls from mom..

12 from Andrèa..


I stood up immediately and went to the mirror which was next to the bed.

My hair stood on all sides, my mascara was under my eyes and my shirt was half pulled down. I looked like a mess..

"What are you doing?" I suddenly heard someone say.

I turned around and there stood Jack with a tired and confused look. His voice, I didn't recognize it at all!

"Em, I have too go! Mum has tried to call my.. She is going too kill me!" I screamed and looked helplessly at Jack.

"I can drive you home.." He said and stood up and tweaked the clothes. "Sorry.. I'm sorry that I didn't wake you up when you fall asleep.." He said and looked embarrassed on me.

He walked over to the mirror and did a flip with the hair.

"It's okey, it's not your fault directly.."

I went out to the hall and put on my shoes.

Jack just came after me.


He stopped the motorbike outside the apartment and I dropped of it and gave the helmet to Jack.

"Thank you so much!" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Anything for you." He said and smiled at me. "Do you want me to come up and talk to her? Just explain why you didn't come home last night?" He said and smiling.

"No, no thank you. It's okey.." I said and smiled back.

I turned around and ran to the port.


I stepped through the door and into the kitchen. Mom sat at a chair with his head on the table with her hands to her face.

She slept.. She must have sat up all night and waiting for me.

I knew how angry she was at me..

"Mom? Mom wake up.." I said while I shacked her.

"Huh? Huh?" She said and looked around. "Anieé! Oh my God! I thought something had happened to you!" She cried and hugged me..

Okay, that wasn't the reaction I was waited for..

"Sorry.. I'm so sorry that I yelled at you yesterday.." She whispered in my ear.

"It's okay mom, it's okay." I said and hugged her back.

She let go of me and smiled at me.

"I love you my sweetheart." She said with a tear in her eye.

"I love you too mom." I said and smiled at her.

Then I bent forward and hugged her again.

I know, very nerdy. But this was the first time that my mom and I had a fight, for real. I snack out and stuff.

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