18. Surprises

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"Are you sure you're gonna be able to get her?" I ask frantically as I rush around the kitchen making Emma's lunch while Josh stands beside me trying to distract me from the task at hand by kissing my neck.

"Maya of course I'll be able to get her" he assures me. "You know she is my kid. I can be a responsible parent and pick her up."

"I know. I know" I reply as I turn my head to look up at him. "You know how I get" I sigh. "I worry about everything."

"You don't need to worry about this. I'm gonna get Emma and we are going to come home and have the time of our lives while we wait for you to come home."

"Okay" I smile as I finish her lunch and turn my body towards his. "You know I trust you. I just worry."

"I know" he smiles as he wraps his arm around my waist. "But you don't need to worry. Just go to work and rock that art show."

"Is it possible to rock chaperoning" I laugh as he shrugs.

"You'll be with Riley. I'm sure you'll figure out something" he replies making me smile as I reach up to kiss him as Emma walks into the room.

"Hey baby girl" I smile as I pull away from Josh. "How are you this morning?"

"Tired" she complains as she rubs her eyes. "Do I have to go to school?"

"Yep" I reply as I gather up her lunch. "Come on Ems, we don't wanna be late."

"But why?" she asks making me laugh as I gather her up in my arms.

"Because the faster we go, the faster we can get through our day and come back home" I explain as she nuzzles her head into my neck.

"I wanna stay with you mommy" she whines.

"I know baby girl. I'll be home later" I say softly as I kiss her forehead. "But your daddy is gonna pick you up today and you are going to have so much fun" I exclaim.

"Okay" she sighs. "By daddy" she says as she pulls back from me, holding out her arms to Josh.

"Bye sweetie" he says sweetly as he takes her from me, kissing her forehead. "I'll see you after school okay kiddo?"

"Okay daddy" she gives as he puts her onto the ground. I take her hand and gather my things and with a quick kiss from Josh I'm out the door.


"Sorry I'm late" I apologize as I slip into the staff meeting I forgot about. "My daughter was a little clingy this morning" I add as I settle into my usual spot beside Riley.

"You didn't miss much" Riley assures me.

"Alright. The art show tonight. It runs till six. Students will have friends and family coming in to look at their art, our goal is to keep the refreshments from making appearances on any of the pieces, so be on spill control and please try to keep a five foot radius from the sculptures. The last thing we need is for someone to knock one over" Turner says as I nod.

Seemed easy enough.

"I don't understand why we're all being required to work this. Some on us have lives" Matt complains as I roll my eyes.

"All of us have lives" I correct Matt snippily. "But our job is a part of that. Sometimes we have to make sucky sacrifices. It's life."

"Oh I'm sorry. I don't remember asking for your input Blonde Bitch" he replies.

I smirk. Honestly I sometimes think people forget that Turner is basically my grandfather.

"Alright. Meeting dismissed" Turner rolls his eyes. "Matt. Office. Now" he says sternly as I stand to follow Riley out of the room.

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