Chapter 4- Three Spares

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I had made it through my single block of Music and was assigned the Violin as always. I reached for my schedule as I made my way down the halls and was pleased to see three spares in a row. One study hall and two classes of nothing that I generally spend in the art room. I smiled to myself as I opened my locker and slammed it shut. Turning around, I ran smack into a tall person beside my locker. I landed flat on my butt with a thud and glared up at the suspect until I realized who it was. 

Warren Davids is in the locker beside mine. You have got to be kidding me. I got up off my butt and began to walk away when He grabbed my wrist. 

"Uh hey.. Paige, yeah sorry about that. Being this tall, I am not the best in small spaces. Sorry again." He stammered on a little bit after that but I tuned it out. The burning had appearred again and I snapped my arm out of his grasp. Just above my hand were some pink tinged finger prints. A small gasp escaped my lips and i backed away from his worrisome gaze. 

I had never felt such an odd sensation in my life. The feeling of his skin on mine burned but tingled and sent shivers through my entire body at the same time. Confusion overtook my mind as I ran for the front doors and escaped the mysterious occurrances of my first day back. 

Why me? All I ever wanted was to be normal and have a normal first day. Meeting new people and get into the same old groove, but no. You had to come along and do this. Crunching footsteps against the gravel rose above mine and I quickened my pace to escape who I hoped was Warren and not some crazy guy looking for my money. I snuck a glance back and to my relief and anger it was him. He followed me. God dammit.

"Assun... I mean Paige, please stop and let me talk. I'm sorry, you don't get it but I didn't mean to." He yelled at me from  the short distance between us and I turned around just as he stepped forward. THUMP, his chest and my forehead collided for the second time in the past ten minutes and I glared up at him while rubbing the bump on my head. How could someones chest be so darn hard. Hmmph. 

"What exactly do you want from me Warren Davids. I would like to get home with this here homework and do it so, what?" I held up my sketchbook and pencils in his face for emphasis and he just laughed at me. His crooked grin smiled down at me and he started to talk but stopped. 

"Okay.. I'm not sure what you think happened back there but I'm sure you wouldn't understand it anyway, so if we could just forget this I'd like to start over." The deep monotony in his voice spun through my head and the ache in betwen my shoulder blades started up again. Wincing in pain, I tried to reach for the spot but couldn't reach. I looked up to see him shaking his head and staring directly at me. 

I spun on my heel and started back towards my house, ignoring his awed presence. No one had never annoyed yet intrigued me so much in my entire life. Something inside told me I should stay away but the curiousity took control over my mind and more. I turned back around and grabbed his hand. 

"Here's my number... In case you need help with school.. or something." I slipped the paper between his fingers and scurried away before he could talk. 

God dammit Paige. What are you doing, He's a nutcase! I ignored the little voice in my head and walked on. I needed to know more about this Warren guy. Even if curiousity kills the cat.

A.N. Hey guys, ignore this unedited horribleness, sorry! Inbox or comment for dedications or shoutout! Comment your ideas and what you like or dislike please. S/O to my new editor ohnoitskayla! All chapters should be edited and up to date later tonight! 


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