Chapter22- Parting Ceremony

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I hadn’t slept since the night my father was spotted on our land. It had been exactly a week today and I was starting to lose myself again. Every once in a while I would doze off in my spot and when sleep took over I would snap my eyes open in fear. I couldn’t handle the fact that he had been so close and could have hurt the people I love. Although he didn’t get to my family and I he did manage to get across the land border and kill one of the few Were-creatures guarding us all. The loud snap Demetrius and I had heard that night was Marcus’s back hitting the giant cypress tree in our front yard. He died that night. Right on my front lawn, someone died because of my worthless father.

I shuddered at the memories that poured into my mind as I recalled my past. I could feel tears coming on but quickly pushed them back before Demetrius noticed. He had been keeping an even closer on me since the intrusion on our land and had decided to stay by my side constantly. I didn’t mind being with him after that night either but I wasn’t quite sure where we stand now after the kiss. I grinned like an idiot to myself and tried to stop once Demetrius’s attention was brought to me.

I smiled sheepishly at him before cuddling closer to him. He just smiled down at me before turning back to face the TV again. Lately everyone in the house had been rather quiet and we didn’t seem to need any words to express ourselves. Not that I needed words in the first place either; my powers did that all for me. As for my new found abilities I had now found I could also control earth and fire along with air and water. My family seemed to be pleased with my abilities, all except my mother. I could tell she was worried every time I found something new about my powers and it just bothered her all together.


I had actually managed to get some sleep and woke up about four hours later still curled up beside Demetrius. I was lightly shook out of my deep slumber by my mother’s cool hands and I fluttered open my eyes to see her just walking away. My mind slowly came back to life as I raised into a sitting position and yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time. I let my body melt into Demetrius’s side and he leaned closer. We sat in complete silence for what seemed like ages before there was a knock on the door. Cole eased off of the couch and answered it and I wasn’t surprised when Goidelic and another guard stepped through the entrance. I smiled towards them but was only met by their stiff lips and stern glances. I felt the air around me and felt my heart sink as the sadness, anger and fear flowed into my mind.

Goidelic let out a slight cough and cleared his throat before he spoke to us. “Tonight is Marcus’s parting ceremony and Amitiel has asked for Assunta to come. She said the entire family is welcome to come also.” With that he nodded to me and exited as his partner closed the door. I felt the emotions funnel out the door with him and I was quickly exhausted after trying to control them.

I somehow managed to make it up the staircase with little help from Demetrius and was left alone in my room to change. I had never been to a funeral, let alone a Parting Ceremony and had absolutely no clue what to wear. Were the Ceremonies like funerals and you wear black or does it even matter?

I sorted through my assortment of clothes and soon came up with an outift: black skinny jeans, white tanktop and a dark grey cardigan. I slipped on my outfit of choice and pulled on my black Toms to match before tackling the job of doing my hair.

Twisted knots and tangles laced through my messy hair and I somehow managed to brush through them all before twisting it up into a somewhat controlled messy bun. After achieving some sort of natural look with my makeup, I strolled downstairs to find no one down there. I opted for I quick snap and ended up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a can of seven-up watching some reality TV show.

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