Chapter31- Practice Makes Perfect

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Training had become a complete necessity amongst the people of the City. Once we had warned them all of the change of dates they had all panicked and demanded the amount of training time be upped to four or more hours a day. Anyone with any sort of powers had to meet every night to practice using their gifts as weapons and that was where I had to go tonight.

Although it had only been a day since the man from my father’s army warned of us the next battle date, everything seemed different and it felt like an eternity since I stared into the man’s glowing eyes. The look on his face still rang clear in my head but it only fueled my anger during the final week and a half of training and preparing for what could be some of the City people’s final days. Even me.


I had been training nonstop since I woke up this morning so I could get in my hours. Since eight o’clock in the morning I have been sparing, weightlifting and learning to manage different weapons. I knew I wouldn’t really need any of the weapons but it helped to know I could handle them.

Sweat dripped down the back of my neck as I made my way to the change room. The smell of sweat and deodorizer filled the air as I tried to catch my breath as I changed into my clean clothes and freshened up. After my long day of training and learning I now had an entire night of practice with the Gifted Ones. We had been told by the Council and the Guardians that we had to use all advantages against Xaphan and our powers were something we had more of than him.

Once I was finally stripped from my sweat drenched clothes and into some better smelling ones I was finally able to leave the gym and feel the cool air against my skin. The wind smelled sweet as it twirled around me amongst the rest of the calm atmosphere. I could smell Earth’s musky scent as it’s green glow crept across my skin and danced with the blue tinge of Water. Amongst the reds, blues, greens and whites there was only one color that actually stood out to me.


It seemed to shine from inside me while all the colors only danced across my skin. It eminated from inside me and it was truly the only thing that kept me going lately. All the Elements were. They are the only thing I actually had control over.


The creak of the hinges pierced the air as I swung the door of the meeting hall open. Looks of all emotions greeted me and I quickly grabbed a seat as the group’s eyes lingered on my skin. I slid my jacket off and hung it on the back of my chair, allowing the color to freely emanate from my pale skin. I could care less if they stared at me now. I felt wonderful as the Elements took over while the Council member at the front droned on about control. He was talking about having power over your Gift but all I really got was ‘Practice makes perfect so… control.. Elementals?”

Other Supers raised their hands around me and that’s when I realized he had asked who could control Elements. I quickly raised my hand into the air and the man’s look hastily switched from boredom to confusion and curiosity.

As I was about to go back to zoning out I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun sideways to see a Fae woman sitting beside me. She swung her head to the front and I looked up to see The Council member motioning for me to head to the front. I sighed out before pulling myself into a standing position and walking to the front of the meeting.

Before I even reached the stage where the man was speaking he began to talk again. “Fellow Supers! This is Assunta Withers! She is an Elemental Angel and I believe she should explain about her skin to us all!” He turned to face me as he finished speaking and motioned for me to speak up.

“Uhm.. Hello, I’m Assunta.. I am able to control and manipulate all four elements and… and Spirit..” Gasps flowed through the once silent group but I continued to speak anyways. “My skin.. My skin glows like this because of the Elements. No one really knows why but it’s mostly because of my power.. I can also control emotions and…. Fly without my wings…”

The gasps were now even louder and the group began to chatter amongst themselves. The Council member, Leo, smiled at me while nodding at me to head back to my seat. Stares from the entire group followed me to my seat and many lingered as I sat down. Leo began to speak, regaining the crowd’s attention, and explaining how to practice our Gifts.


After two whole hours of manipulating all of the Elements and showing off to the group, I was finally allowed to head home. My skin seemed to be even brighter after using my Gifts for so long and I seemed to light up the darkness as I walked.

As the doors swung open I was greeted by the wonderful sight of our black car. Goidelic nodded from the driver’s seat and I hopped in just before the car sped away. His deep laugh rumbled through the vehicle and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him. I was so tired that I just kept laughing, nothing was really funny but by the time we reached the house, both of us were read in the face with tears running down our faces. Clutching my cramped up stomach I walked up the stairs. As I reached the top I turned left, completely avoiding my room like I had been since the Fae woman had been murdered there. I knocked lightly on Demetrius’s door and I heard a low mumble from inside and took that as my hint to come in.

Stripping from my day clothes, I snuck into Demetrius’s closet and stole his sweats to go with my tank top. I made an attempt to actually wash my face and brush my teeth but gave up have way through my tasks, fatigue slipping into my mind. I did my best to crawl into bed without making a sound but the bed creaked under my weight.

Demetrius’s eyes snapped open but they quickly relaxed when he realized it was me. I flopped down on the bed and not even a second later Demetrius had me covered in his large duvet and wrapped in his arms. I had never been very good at the whole romance cuddling thing so I just leaned in closer to him, nuzzling his neck. He leaned closer to my lips and they were soon on mine.

What can I say? Practice makes perfect.

A/N Herrooo! Glad you guys have read this far! WE HAVE REACHED FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN READS!!! im so happy! thankyou all so much for making this happen!

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(Only a few chapters left now:(....)


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