Chapter7- Advanced English too... Really.

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The rest of the bus ride was toned out as I thought of the day before. Warren had taken the time to remember my name, gave me his number but was still hiding something from me. The fact that I had barely even talked to him and now he was being dodgy and secretive bothered me. I barely took the time in my life to acknowledge if someone I knew was hiding something from me but with him I had the urge to know. I was like the kid in grade school that was always out of the loop. “Brittany did whatttttt?!” Or “So Carla told me Shelly likes Josh.” Okay so maybe I was sort of that kid in those grades  but it wasn’t because I was an outcast or had no friends; it was because I chose to ignore all the gossip or rumors, even as a kid.

The need to know what Warren wanted to talk about gnawed at my mind like a termite; the hunger starting slow and meticulous then rampaging through my head, tearing apart what it could on its way by. Something had never irritated me so much and it bugged me to know someone could actually get to me without even having to have an actual conversation with me or even get on my nerves.

I tried to push away my perplexed and annoyed feelings about him as I stepped off the bus and into the burning air of late summer.

I squinted towards the door, searching for my small group of friends and people we hung out with on occasion. They were nowhere to be found near the front of the school so I scanned he parking lot and walkways. Nothing. Coming to the conclusion that they had already ventured off to class like half of the school usually does in the mornings, I made my way across the field to the doors closest to the English classrooms.

The sun warmed my skin as I speed walked across the small sitting area we used a lunch and spares. Just as I passed the third newly built picnic table I got the horrible feeling of being followed. The hairs on the nape o my neck stood on end as I quickened my pace even more and finally reached the doors. As I pulled one open I stole a small glance behind me only to find no one in the field behind me or on the walk ways. I shook away my panicky feelings that were for nothing and rushed to my Advanced English class.


As I walked into the brightly lit classroom I hoped for very few people in my class. My eyes roamed across the almost entirely empty classroom and I grinned happily, probably looking like an idiot.

Near the back of the classroom sat only around twelve or thirteen people and my entrance was acknowledged by some awkward glances from some new kids and smiles from the people I knew. I smiled towards Sebastion and Kelsey.

I had known them since grade school but we had never gotten a chance to be as great of friends as I am with Faith, Sam and Patrick. I plopped my butt down into the uncomfortable plastic chair placed beside my desk and turned to face Kelsey. Her bright green eyes lit up as she realized we were finally in the same classes this year. I failed to mention the fact that we had the same Art and Gym classes last year so I just let her continue on with her stories of the summer. She had been to Hawaii this break and decided I should hear every detail of it right now.

“The bartender at the pool was so cuttteee, but my brother kept ratting me out the entire time we were there so I couldn’t even talk to him without being grounded for life..” I nodded in response with a “Yeah Kels, little siblings suck eh.” She groaned in agreement and went on about how he was so annoying and ruined everything.

I came to a realization that maybe we weren’t good friends is because she talks too much for my likings. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather it be her then me talking because frankly, I wouldn’t have an interesting story to tell if my life depended on it but it’s be nice if she took a breath long enough for me to even comprehend what she even says. Maybe all my friends thought I was the same when I went on and on about the things I liked but at least I would shut up and give them a chance to talk too sometimes.

Just as Kelsey was beginning her story of getting stung by a jelly fish when she went swimming, the second bell went off and Mrs. Borsh sat up from her desk and wrote her name up on the white board. The amount of care she took in writing her name surprised me, even after taking her English class last year too. The curl of the words on the board danced in front of me as I tried to focus while staring around a new kids red spiral perm he had going on. Just as the board came into view something, or should I say someone, else blocked my view. Warren Davids walked through the door and stopped at the teacher’s desk. He handed her a pink slip from the office and she nodded and pointed to the various empty desks.

He took the fourth last seat in Sebastion’s row and sat down, hastily. I turned my glance up to the front as Mrs. Borsh began to explain this semesters curriculum and what the expectations in this class would be.

She grabbed the entire classes attention with her final statement, “Unless you plan to work in my class I don’t want you here and you won’t want to be here either. I will be your teacher and not your friend. I am here to get you through this course not to paint nails or talk sports. So that’s it class. Who’s ready for textbooks.”

I stole a quick glance around the room at the newcomers to advanced classes and couldn’t help but laugh slightly at their shocked expressions to her introduction of the class. Apparently they took the normal English last year or were completely new here because almost everyone new she did that to scare people but when she said she wanted work she meant it.


After the first class of English people started to get sleepy and slacked on their work. I propped my head up with my arm and continued to follow along in the textbook with the teacher. My lips were drying from breathing through my mouth for that long to keep myself awake so I stretched and got up. I scanned the front desk for the hall pass and was rewarded with its shiny presence when my gaze fell on the left side of the desk. I slipped the soft, plastic slip into my hand and left the class, not wanting to interrupt her lecture on a good essay format.

As my lips ment the cool water from the fountain I heard footsteps coming towards me. I continued to drink in hopes they’d go past but they didn’t. I finished off with one last final gulp and stood up to leave.  My face smashed into the next person in line and I glared up into their vivid blue eyes. Warren Davids. My heart hammered under my ribs as he grinned, looking down on me.

His deep voice brought me focus to reality, “You have really got to stop doing that before you break your nose or something.” I glared up at him through the hands covering my sore nose. “Maybe if you weren’t following me around all the time my nose and I could live in peace.” Or pieces if you keep stand so god damn close. A deep laugh erupted from his chest as he stepped forward to take a drink.

You just had to be in MY Advanced English class too, didn’t you.

I stomped off ignoring his laughter and trying to hide my blushing cheeks. I made it through the rest of the class barely holding on by a thread and was ready to burst if I heard one more word about grammar or sentences. English class was becoming one of my most hated classes of the year now. That’s just great.

A/N Hey guys sorry there wasnt an update for a bit. I write on weekends or after school and publish when I have internet so I apologize! Vote :3 Comment with ideas, your guesses on possible events and leave me a message or comment for a shout out or dedication. Im also looking for people to make pinups or pictures of the characters Please:) inbox meh with info babes.

Votes: 3

Reads: 49


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