Bound by Love

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Chapter 1

New Beginnings

Years had passed since Corky and Violet had gotten away with murdering Caesar and fucking over the mob. The year was 2014 and both were now deeply settled into their new lives. Corky and Violet had started a little family together. Back in 1996, Violet gave birth via an anonymous sperm donor to twins. Their names were Charlie and Charlotte. When the doctor first placed them into Violet's arms, Violet knew her and Corky had instantly fallen in love with them and she also knew that they had to protect them. As they got older, both Corky and Violet made sure their kids were never exposed to the bad things that they had experienced in their lives. Corky, being the more masculine-like figure, taught Charlie all about girls and relationships. She basically taught him how to be a man and take care of his responsibilities. Meanwhile, Violet talked girl talk with Charlotte and talked about how guys worked. They felt like they had taught them everything they needed to know so that way when they got out into the real world, they wouldn't be lost. But apparently, they missed one important thing. Something that they would eventually regret later.


It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Corky and Violet's two story home was in a decent suburban neighborhood. The sun was gleaming through Corky and Violet's window. The birds were chirping their usual song. The trees were silently whistling in the wind. "Good morning, beautiful," whispered Corky. "Good morning, love," smiled Violet. They looked into each others eyes and kissed passionately. Violet then got out of bed to go wake up the kids. She walked down the hall. The floor creaked each time she stepped. She gently opened the door to Charlie's room. His room was like any average teenagers room. Band posters on the wall. A pile of dirty laundry on the floor. Laptop sitting at the end of his bed. Violet slowly walked in and hugged Charlie. "Good morning, sunshine!" " what time is it?," Charlie moaned sleepily. "Time for you to get up silly!" "Mom, it's Saturday! Can I just sleep in?" "No Charlie! You need to get out and do something fun!" "Ughhhhhhhhhhhh.," Charlie griped. "Come on Charlie get up!," chirped Violet. "Ugh..fine," said Charlie. Violet then left and went across the hall to Charlotte's room which was a thousand times cleaner than Charlie's. Her room was pink and she had pictures of kittens and flowers on her walls. Her avid shoe collection was showcasing in her closet. Violet went and kissed Charlotte on the cheek. "Good morning, Charlotte!" "Morning, mommy," Charlotte says rubbing the sleep out of her eye. "Come on! Get up I'm going to make breakfast!" "Ok mommy, I will in just a sec." She closed her eyes and started to doze off again. "Well, I give up," said Violet and she went downstairs to make breakfast. Corky was sitting at the table sipping her usual coffee that she drank every morning and reading the daily newspaper. She always liked her coffee black with a little sugar. Charlie and Charlotte had finally gotten out of bed and had come down to eat breakfast. "Morning, Mama,"said Charlie as he sat down next to Corky. "Good morning, son," said Corky, looking up from her newspaper. "Morning, Mama," said Charlotte. "Morning, babe," said Corky. "Here, eat your breakfast," Violet says to the three of them. Violet was a very good cook. She made a really, really huge breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns. All of the food that they usually don't eat throughout the week. Charlie and Charlotte scarfed down their food and quickly left to go hang out with their friends. This meant that Violet and Corky had finally had some alone time to themselves.


The time was 8:30 PM. Charlie and Charlotte was still out hanging with their friends. Corky and Violet were laying on their bed watching TV. When the show went to commercial, Violet sat up. She looked at Corky and kissed her on the forehead. "Babe, we need to talk." "What is it that we need to talk about?" "We need to tell the kids the truth about us meeting and being together." Corky jumped up and onto her feet. "Are you fucking crazy? Why should we tell them that?" "Because we love them and they trust us that's why." "Now Vi, you know that if we tell them they're gonna ask why we didn't tell them the truth in the first place. Why go destroying their trust in us like that?" "I'm just saying Corky. We really should.," said Violet trying not to cry. "I don't know Vi. I just don't know." Corky then got up and walked downstairs and turned on the tv in the living room.

Charlie had finally come home, strolling in at about 9:30 PM. He had noticed Corky was asleep on the couch, so he got a blanket out of the closet and spread it over her. "Goodnight, Mama." He walked upstairs, into his room and got straight onto his laptop. He was strolling through Facebook as he does normally on a regular basis, when suddenly he sees he got a message. "What the?," he says to himself. The message was from someone who didn't have a profile picture and their name was just "CT". No last name or anything. The message said "The truth shall be revealed. You will eventually find out." 'Well that's strange' thought Charlie. 'Oh well, I'm going to bed.' He proceeded to turn off his light and went to bed. A couple of hours later, Charlotte came home. She was super exhausted. She also decided to scroll through her Facebook. She had also gotten the same message from the "CT" person whom sent the message to Charlie. "Who the hell are you?" she said out loud. "Alright, I'm deleting this message." She threw her iPhone on her dresser, shut off the light and went to sleep.

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