Stage Eight

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I woke up the next day to the sound of light rain. Ana was still asleep. For the first time in SAO the weather changed. I silently got out of bed and went downstairs to get a quick snack. Ana woke up soon after. "Looks like you woke up early." Ana said. I nodded and grabbed my coat. "So what's the plan for today?" Ana asked me. "First we're gonna get some new weapons. Then your training begins." I said. Ana smiled and grabbed her coat. "I wonder if it's raining anywhere else in SAO." Ana said. "I do too." I said.
We went outside and ran through the rain to the town transporter. "Where to?" Ana asked. "You'll see. Transport: Town of the Arts" I said. A blue light consumed us and we reappeared in a small village. "I've never seen this place." Ana said. "This place is exclusive to beta testers only. Anyone else here would slowly lose their health until it hits zero, unless accompanied by another beta tester." I explained. "So since I'm in a party then I won't be hurt?" Ana asked. "No. Not at all. This place will make a custom sword depending on your level." I said.
Me and Ana kept walking and I told her all about the beta testers and how they have loop holes in the game. Ana is probably the only one that has ever been in the presence of a beta tester. We got to the sword shop and I walked inside. "I need two swords." I said. "Ok. Let me take a look at your level." The blacksmith said. He looked at my level and pulled out a blue crystal. It began to glow and the blacksmith struck it with a hammer. Then it turned onto a perfect sword.
It was just like my other sword before it broke. It lasted be for a really long time. I picked it up and swung it around. "This blade is perfect. Now it's your turn Ana." I said. Ana walked towards the front counter and the blacksmith took a good look at her. "You aren't a beta tester." He said. Ana looked nervous. "She's with me." I said. The blacksmith nodded and put a red gem on the desk. It began to glow and the blacksmith struck it with his hammer. It soon turned into a blade with a red outline. "It looks so cool. And it fits perfectly." Ana said. She swung it around and put it away.
"This ones on me." I said. "No need. I'll take care of this one." The blacksmith said. "Thanks a bunch." Ana said. We walked to the teleport pad and I got a message.

"This is to all SAO players. We are getting closer to our goal. We have reached the 20th floor of this game. Meet us on the 20th floor so we can discuss a plan to beat the boss. Be there."

"So where to now?" Ana asked. "To the 20th floor." I said. "Why there?" Ana asked. "We're gonna help in the fight. Everyone is planning to beat the boss on the 20th floor and advance to the next one." I explained. "Ok. This will let me test out my new blade." Ana said. I nodded and we transported away. Now to see what SAO really has in mind.

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