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I promise that the chapters will be much longer from now on! At least 2k words! And I won't have an A/N at the beginning of every chapter, but I wanted to tell you guys this. Also, updates will be very inconsistent. I'm bad at rushing myself to get a chapter done so I'll just post a chapter when I feel like it's good enough. Let me know if you see any mistakes!


Mark's P.O.V.

At Wendy's, 11:34 am. Tuesday.

As I sat down with my food, I realized I was being stared at. I set down my food, and casually looked around. My eyes landed on this guy, who seemed to have green hair. He quickly looked away, and I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe he was confused.

As I picked up my food and began eating, I saw the man with green hair approach me. I put my phone in between my thighs and waited for him to sit in front of me. Why was I so casual about a random ass stranger with green hair sitting in front of me?

I looked him dead in the eye, and noticed he was staring at me this whole time. I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. Man, I needed a haircut.

"Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me or..?"

"I recognize you, but I don't know from where."

"That doesn't really answer my question but.. Okay. Maybe if you say your name I can remember?"

Right when I said that, I realized that I had seen those eyes way before.. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I used to have a good friend during high school. He had brown hair and blue eyes, exactly like this man's. I started thinking.. His name was.. Jake? Jordan? No, wait, he didn't look like a Jordan.

"Jack. Or Seán, because that's my real name."

That was it! My eyes widened as I put down my food once again and wiped my hands off with one of the paper towels in front of me, as well as my mouth. I smiled, and he seemed to smile back.

"Now I remember! Jack, buddy, hey! What have you been up to man? It's been so long since I last saw you!"

Seán smiled, "You have no idea how confused I was when I saw that it was you. I can't believe how much you have changed! I've been good, living together with my girlfriend and whatnot.. What about you?"

I felt my smile falter, but I quickly hid it. "I've been.. Fine. I lost my dad a few weeks ago, which is why I rarely go out anymore. I'm still a single man, though."

Seán nodded. God, I really did miss hanging out with him. He was such a good friend.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Mark. My condolences. I hope you know that I'm here for you. Now that I say that, we should probably exchange numbers! So we can keep in contact."

I smiled and nodded, giving him my phone as he gave me his. I put my contact name as "Mark" and gave him his phone back. He gave me back mine, and I almost lost it when I saw what he put his contact name as; "Jackspedicey". He smiled, telling me he had to leave but that he'd like to meet up again, and walked out of the restaurant.

I finished my food, and went home. Time to play with Chica, and maybe teach her some things. I had a smile on my face as I went back home. I didn't even realize it and I walked straight into a tree. I sighed, looking around to see if anyone had seen me, and I began laughing. I was an idiot.

At Mark's apartment, 12:56 am. Tuesday.

As I opened my front door, I realized that it was completely silent. I frowned, and went into my living room. As I was about to sit on the couch, I fell to the ground. What the fuck?

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