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Hi, so, I've noticed the last three chapters have been marked with trigger warnings so this chapter is all fluff! 💝

Also I haven't updated in so long and I apologize! I haven't had any inspiration, motivation, or time. I will try to write more today and tomorrow so I have some chapters saved :)



Mark's P.O.V.

At Mark's apartment, 12:34 pm. Wednesday.

I woke up, looking around to see if Amy was still in my bed with me. I smiled as I saw her, curled up on her side. I snuggled closer to her, spooning her. I kissed her cheek, resting the side of my head against hers.

"Morning." Amy said, in a raspy yet cute morning voice. I smiled, watching her turn around in my arms.

"Morning, beautiful."

Amy blushed, shuffling closer to me. She kissed me and I'm sure it was meant to be a short kiss, but it turned into something more. She got on top of me, while I sat up and we just kissed like that for a while.

I smiled into the kiss, "We haven't done anything nice together in a while. Let's go have a cute date."

Amy pulled back from the kiss, resting her head on my shoulder instead. I felt her nod, and I suddenly stood up. I held her close though, walking to the kitchen. I put her on top of the counter and stood in between her legs.

"Wanna have breakfast somewhere?" I asked, leaning on my hands that I was resting beside her.

She nodded, "Sounds good." But then I saw her face fall, "But I need new clothes."

I sighed, understanding. "We'll go get you clothes and then go have breakfast? Sound good?"

Amy pecked my cheek, "You're the sweetest boyfriend ever."

I felt myself blush at this, looking away for a few moments. "Aww you're blushing, how cute."

I rolled my eyes playfully and then went to my room to change into some other clothes. After I was ready I went into my bathroom -which was connected to my bedroom- and yelled at Amy that she could put on her clothes as well.

I finished doing my hair and whatever else I did in the mornings and opened the door to my bedroom. I thought Amy was already done, because I hadn't heard her make any noise, but apparently she was still dressing up.

She only had her shorts and bra on. I couldn't help but stare for a while, but that was only about two seconds. Amy let out a yelp, grabbing her shirt to cover herself up.


I couldn't help but laugh, seeing as she was so embarrassed.

"Don't cover yourself up, you're gorgeous."

Amy put on her shirt quickly, pushing me out of the room. "Next time, you're getting kicked in the balls!" And then she slammed the door right into my face, making me laugh.

She was such a goof. But I loved her. I stopped dead in my tracks for a few seconds, repeating those words in my head. Was it love, already? Was I sure? I had no idea, I just said what I said.

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