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Hi, hello! I'll be switching POV's in this story so it's easier to describe what the characters are feeling! It'll only be either Mark's POV or Amy's. Also, there's already about 20 reads on this book so thank you!


Amy's P.O.V.

At Amy's apartment, 10:48 am. Wednesday.

I woke up with a smile on my face. Today felt like a good day already. I laid there for what felt like an eternity, but it was actually only about six minutes.

I'd liked Mark for a long time, but I had been too scared to approach him. I couldn't believe he thought I was pretty. But life is full of surprises. This is one of those lucky moments I have once in a while.

I sighed, and went into the bathroom. Today felt like a good day. After I did my morning routine, I went back to my room. What should I wear today? I looked inside of my closet for a long while, then grabbed some random clothes instead.

As I was putting on my earrings, I went back into the bathroom to put on my make-up. I smiled to myself in the mirror, and then began.

Half an hour later I was done. I cleaned up the bathroom and then went downstairs. Time for work. I put on my jacket, and walked out of the door.

At McDonalds, 1:33 pm. Wednesday.

I was standing behind the checkout counter today. I hated this part of my job the most. I liked cooking more. Or doing a late night shift at the McDrive. I smiled as a customer entered with a little kid. They ordered their food, and I wished them a happy meal.

"Amy?" I looked up, and saw Mark standing there. I had a mini heart attack as I waved and let out a shaky breath. He ordered his food, and I told the guys in the kitchen.

"Mark!" He smiled, and waved at my manager. He came over, "Mark! Hey! What do we owe this visit to?"

"Me being hungry, obviously. Also, I had no idea Amy worked here!"

"Yeah, she does. Started recently though. And not to degrade everyone else, but she's such a hardworker. Aren't you, Amy?" I smiled uneasily when he placed his arm over my shoulders and nodded. This man creeped me the fuck out.

"Ah, gotcha. Well, I'll take my order and leave, then. It was nice to see you, buddy!" Mark waved shyly at me, and gave me a soft smile.

"Bye." I mumbled while he walked away. Couldn't he have stayed a little longer? My shift was almost over. We could've talked a little. I sighed, and took a different customer's order.

At Amy's apartment, 5:56 pm. Wednesday.

As I had already guessed, Kathryn wasn't home. Kathryn was a lovely friend of mine who I shared this apartment with. She was very busy herself, so I didn't think much of it. Her cat came to sit on the couch right beside me. I smiled and pet her. I loved animals.

I went to the kitchen to make myself (and Kathryn, really) food. After I cooked everything and ate, I cleaned everything up.

I was staring at nothing in particular when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it from my bag and clicked on the message.

Hey, Amy! Just wanted to ask if it was okay with you if you gave me your number? It'd be easier to communicate! Hope you had a nice day!

I smiled and felt a blush ghost over my cheeks. God, this man had me blushing so easily. I didn't understand how he did it, or why it was him in particular, but I don't think I would want it any other way.

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