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Hi! Thank you so so much for 90 reads already!! And the reason this chapter is marked as warning is because it will contain violence, most likely. So read at your own risk. Also, thank you so so much for 100 reads! I'm sorry it took me this long!




Mark's P.O.V

At the festival, 8:54 pm. Friday.

After Amy and I went to a few more booths, walked around a bit more and got some hotdogs, we decided that we'd go home.

"Mark.. Before we go.. I want to thank you. Today was amazing. It was so amazing to get to know you." Amy told me while we were walking to my car. I stopped walking, turning to her completely and grabbed her hands.

"Honestly.. Today was just as amazing to me as it was to you. I've been so much happier with you. So don't thank me, love." I kissed her right hand, watching her blush.

After that we went to the car, and I got her home.

At Amy's apartment, 9:45 pm. Friday.

As I stopped my car in front of the building her apartment was in, she grabbed my hand. I stopped trying to get out of the car and sat back.

"Uhm.. I have something to give you."

Just as I was about to ask what that something was, I felt a pair of soft lips press against my cheek.

"Thank you again, Mark. We should do this again."

And then, she was gone. I was completely frozen, though. Then, as if something inside me snapped, I reached up to my cheek and grinned. There was still a tingly feeling left, where her lips were.

I drove off, completely uncaring as to where I was going.

At the hotel, 11:22 pm. Friday.

I got inside my hotel room, throwing myself on the bed. I just drove around for more than an hour. It was peaceful. I also got to see Chica. She was happy to see me again.

I sighed, put on my pajamas and then got in bed. Tomorrow is another day.

At the hotel, 7:34 am. Monday.

Over the weekend I hadn't done anything exciting. Amy was busy, so I just saw her on facetime. I didn't mind it though, because I cherish these little moments we have together. She said she wanted to see me after work today, though.

As I got ready I realized that I was desperately in need of a haircut. My hair kept falling, blocking my vision. Not even hair gel could help it stay up.

I sighed, letting my hair do whatever it wanted to do. There was no point in trying for an hour.

I got into my car and drove off to work. It's gonna be a long day.

At work, 8:12 am. Monday.

As I entered the building, I could already sense something was wrong. Everyone I walked past just looked at me with an empty look. I frowned, because usually people would smile back.

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