• twelve •

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Sad shit, I'm sorry ;( Might actually break your tiny little hearts. I know it'll break mine.

Enjoy :)


Third person P.O.V.

At work, 7:23 am. Monday.

As Mark walked through the doors of the building that he'd call his work, the next day, he was greeted by cold glares and sad looks from everyone.

"Well, good morning to you too." He mumbled, rolling his eyes.

He went up to his brother's office, knocking on the door thrice.

"Uh, Mr. Fischbach? Your, uh, brother.. Isn't there anymore."

Mark turned around to look at Jenna, confused.

"What do you mean?"

She had tears in her eyes, her bottom lip trembling a bit as she spoke. "U-Um, he went for a walk an hour or two ago and.. He never came back. His- uh- your mother called him but a random stranger picked up. They said they found him in one of the dumpsters in some k-kinda alley. He- uh- he.." She began sobbing, but Mark didn't need to know more. He dropped the coffee he had brought for his brother on the floor, standing there in shock.

"I-I'm sorry for your loss, Mark." Jenna said, then patted him on the back and walked off. Mark only then realized how empty the building was, only a few stuff left.

Mark wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to do anything - something, to show how sad he was. Yet, as soon as he opened his mouth, nothing came out. Quiet sobs could be heard from the distance, but Mark didn't hear anything.

There was just a loud ringing in his ears, constantly there. It was just reminding him that it's there, it seemed like. It was there there there.

Mark had no idea when or how he ended up in a hospital bed, but he was very scared to say the least. Still, no sound came out of his mouth as he tried to call out for someone.. Anyone.

"Mark? Oh god, you're okay. Fuck. You passed out, man." Victor - a coworker -said, calling a nurse.

Mark just, stared. He didn't know what else to do. He stared at the ceiling, knowing that he would end up like Thomas, too.

He knew who did it, and he was going to kill them. Even if it meant that he was going to die. He would do it. For Thomas.

Then, a voice popped into his head.

Three became two.

And somehow, Mark managed to sleep.

At Mark's apartment, 3:56 pm. Monday.

Amy couldn't keep her tears in as she watched Mark sleep, making sure she was silent so she wouldn't wake him.

God, he must've been having such a hard time now.

With his dad just having passed away, now the murder of his brother.. And the fact that his mother flew to Korea as soon as she could to be with her family.. He was completely alone.

Mark fluttered his eyes open, finding a very sad looking Amy sitting by him on the bed.

"Hey. How do you feel?" She croaked, obviously having cried.

"U-uh.. Empty?" Mark had said a word finally - for the first time in about eight hours.

"I'm so so sorry, you- you deserve way more than this. I'm so very sorry. I love you, okay?"

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