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Alright, I have decided that I want to distance myself from my phone way more. So I'll only have time in the mornings and before I sleep to be on it. That means the updates will be even slower, I'm sorry. Hope you understand 💝

Also, a little over 40 reads already!!You guys are aweome! Thank you so much :))

Enjoy! :)


Mark's P.O.V

At Mark's apartment, 10:33 am. Friday.

I woke up with a big smile on my face. Today I'd go on a date with Amy. Amy.. She was so beautiful. Every time I thought of her, I'd blush. I can't help it. She has me whipped already.

I went into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth and whatnot.

Amy had texted me yesterday saying what she'd like to do. Of course, I took her idea and went completely for it. That's just how I am. I hope she likes it.

I put on some comfortable clothes -that my mom brought me, thank god- and walked to my car.

It was a beautiful day outside, as well. I loved the sun, although I mostly stayed inside whenever the sun shone. Yeah, I know, vitamin D and all that. I don't care.

I got inside my car and began driving. Everything had to be perfect. For Amy.

At an open field, 11:03 am. Friday.

I walked and walked until I saw a restaurant. My favorite restaurant. I went in and greeted the son of the owner, whose name is Ethan. I went to the terrace and picked out my favorite table. Ethan nodded as he went back inside and promised me he'd save it for me. I smiled, gave him a hug and headed out.

Normally, I'd go on a date at the evening, but today was such a beautiful day. I had more planned, but I didn't tell Amy. She'd find out soon enough.

As it was nearing around 12, I went to my car. As I got inside, I pulled out my phone.

Mr. Straightforward:
Hey, Amy. I wanted to let you know that I'll come and get you for our date around 3. Need to finish some things, so it'll take a little longer. Oh and, dress in whatever you want! See you soon x

That girl 😋:
Ah, that's alright! You really don't have to go out of your way for this date, though. See you soon 😊

I scoffed at that. Everything was worth it when it came to my dates.

I put my phone away, putting my car keys in the engine. It was time I continued on setting this date up and having all of it ready. I smiled as I started the car and drove off.

At the hotel, 2:33 pm. Friday.

I went into the bathroom quickly, showering. I had to act a little fast. I finished and went to the closet.

I grabbed my favorite flannel and my favorite jeans, throwing them on quickly. I went back into the bathroom, starting to style my hair. It was a goddamn mess.

I somehow managed to make myself look at least decent, grabbed my glasses and headed straight out the door with everything else I needed.

At Amy's apartment, 2:55 pm. Friday.

I cleared my throat, knocked on the door and waited. I was nervous. I didn't know why, but I was. Maybe because I wanted Amy to like it? I didn't know.

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