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Amy's P.O.V.

At the dog park, 1:34 pm. Monday.

As Mark watched Chica run around and play with a few other dogs and gushed about how happy she's made her, I just stared at him.

"..And she's just, a delight. I love her so much."

I nodded. I agreed, she's indeed a delight. I haven't known her for long but damn, she was so cute.

"Hey Mark?"


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Mark seemed shocked at this, nearly dying because he was choking on his saliva. I grinned, resting my head on my hands.


Instead of giving me an answer, Mark just grabbed my hands, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Yes. Of course. I'd love to."

I smiled, hugging closer to him. We've only known each other for less than 2 weeks but.. I feel like it's been 4 years.

At Mark's apartment, 3:23 pm. Monday.

We went back to Mark's place after being there for like.. Two hours. He said he had to clean his house and I told him I'd help. He protested but eventually, I won.

I began with the kitchen, putting all the dishes back in their place after getting them out of the dishwasher. Mark finished the living room, and came to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around my middle from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You don't have to do any of this, you know?"

"I know."

Mark sighed, pulling me closer to his chest. "I don't think I tell you enough how much I like you."

"You don't have to. I know."

"I still want to remind you every day."

I blushed slightly, putting the dishes down to turn around in Mark's arms. I didn't realize how close our faces were, though. I could literally feel his breath ghosting on my skin.

"Are we moving too fast?" There it is again. The same question. I sighed, unwrapping Mark's arms from around me. I sat on the table, pulling Mark along with me.

"Why are you always asking this question?"

I saw sometimes flash in Mark's eyes for a split second, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

He sighed, standing in between my legs. "I'm going to tell you something I haven't told anyone, okay? Please don't tell anyone."

"I promise. What's wrong?"

Mark rested his weight on his arms, leaning forward a bit.

"I.. My dad died, a few months ago. And-"

"Oh my god, Mark, I'm so sorry." I hugged him, stroking his back.

Mark hugged me back and I heard him sniffle a little bit. He was crying?

"I just miss him so much, he was my favorite person ever. I could tell him everything. He was always there for me, you know?" Mark pulled back from the hug, grabbing my hands once again.

"I.. I was in a very dark place, okay? I just.. I gave up on life for a long while. You could say I was depressed. I still am, sometimes. I'm still self conscious. I just.. I want to make sure you won't leave me, because we're moving too fast. I've been so much happier with you in my life.. I don't know why I'm so fucking clingy, I'm just.. Scared, I guess."

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