The Date

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I unplugged my curling iron and sat it on my desk before taking in my appearance. I have to admit, I do look pretty good. I curled the pink tips of my hair and wore a black lace shirt so the pink would pop laying on my chest. I decided on white skinny jeans and black converse with pink laces. Plucking a necklace with a single diamond on it I put it on. The necklace was a birthday gift from my dad last year and I only wore it on special occasions. I was smiling at my reflection when my mom came through my door with a bottle.

''You're all dolled up, I thought you were sick.'' she noted, eyeing me suspiciously.

''Just cause I feel bad doesn't mean I should look bad,'' I said lamely.

She nodded thoughtfully. Holy crap she's gullible.

''I brought you some medicine,'' she said, putting the bottle of Nyquil on my desk.


''Take it and I'll be up in a minute with soup.''

''Actually mom, I'm going to go to bed.''

''Oh, well, goodnight sweetie,'' she said, kissing my head and walking out, pulling the door closed behind her.

Great. Now how am I going to get out? I glanced at my open window and sighed. Desperate times. I climbed out the window and stood on the roof. Now I regret choosing the upstairs bedroom. I looked for a nearby tree and spotted one towards the back of the house. Carefully I walked over to it and grabbed a branch and hugged the side of the tree as I slid down to the next branch that was a few feet lower.

I was continuing down the tree when all at once I heard ''What are you doing?"

I shrieked as I lost my balance and started hurling to the earth, I waited for the impact but instead I landed in someones arms. I looked up and saw a boy around my age. He sat me down and I mumbled a thanks.

"I'm Trace. Alice's son.'' he introduced.

Alice McCarson is my mom's best friend that just moved back here after her divorce. I heard she had a son but I never had met him.


He smiled.''So, Skylar, you fall out of trees often?"

I laughed and shook my head. ''No. Actually I was sneaking out, I've got a date,'' I told him with a blush.

He shot me an understanding smile. ''I'm here with my mom. I won't say I saw you.''

''Thanks, Trace,'' I said with a grin. ''I better run, I have a date.''

He waved at me and walked to the door as I ran out the back gate and dialed Cheyenne's number. It rang two times before she answered.

''What the heck Sky! Why haven't you called me by now?"

I chucked and shook my head. ''A lot on my mind. I have a lot to fill you in on tomorrow. Wanna come over about 11? We can go shopping!"

''Oooh. Sounds good!"

''M'kay well, I gotta run, see you tomorrow!"

''Bye chica!"

I hung up and shot a text to Xander .

Meet me at the park?

Sure. Be there in 10!:-)

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