Shadow The Hedgehog

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You're friends with none other than Shadow the Hedgehog. He doesn't amits being friends with you because of his stubbornness and pride that he has.

One day you asked him, if he could come over to your house at the weekend, just to hang out for a bit. To your surprise he said yes because he had something to tell you anyways, you couldn't help but wonder, what the heck does he want to talk to me about.

*time skip to the weekend*

You heard the doorbell ring and when you open it you saw Shadow with the same serious face on.

"Hey Shadow, come on in"
"Hey (name)" he muttered while coming inside.
"So, do you have any reason why you're out of the shadows, Shadow?" You asked him while closing the door.
"Very funny (name)"
"Was worth the shot though"
"Well, to be honest I hate that joke"
"Why? It's very fitting"
"Ever since faker-"
"You mean Sonic, right?"
"Yes, faker. Ever since he made that joke of out of the shadows thing people just started using it" he said rather rudely.
"Ok I won't use it anymore"

Shadow just stared at you as if you had two heads.

"Shadow, what is it that you want to tell me?"

You secretly had a crush on the rude black hedgehog. The thing is you didn't want to tell him, because you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had with him. You also didn't want to be one of those people that he shuts out.

"Yeah I do have something to tell you and it's rather important"
"Go on"
"(Name), I have strong feelings for you and I can't hide them anymore" he says while coming closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Shadow?" was all you could say.

Shadow then kissed you with passion, you couldn't resist but to kiss back.
He then pushed you doen onto the sofa still kissing you. You wrapped your arm around his neck to deeping the kiss, then you felt his tongue slip into your mouth. Then the both of you broke away.

"I love you (name)"
"I love you too"

And with that said the both of you started making out with each other again.

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