Sonic x Shy Reader

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(your name) p.o.v

It was a hot summer day and you were walking in the peaceful woods that were near where you live. The sun was shining high in the light blue sky. You were a shy person and all that you wished for was some confidence, even just a litte bit. You were thinking of someone or should you say some hedgehog. You had a big crush on your best friend Sonic the hedgehog, but you could never tell your true feelings to hime cause he said that love will only slow him down.

As you were in thought you didn't noticed a blue blur passing by, but was hit back into reality when you heared a very familiar voice.

"Hey (name)"
"Oh h-hey Sonic" you muttered.
"Whatcha up to?"
"Nothing much,you"
"Just the usual, running faster than the speed of sound while eating chilli dogs"
"H-how can you keep that down when you run"
He scratched behind his neck while saying "I have no clue.....hey I ran into this place and I want to show you?"
"You want to show m-me?"
"Yeah your my best friend can't I show my best friend"
"Y-yes you can"
"Great lets go"
Sonic than picked you up in bridal style and started running.

*time skip"

"We're here (name)"
You gasped and your eyes widened at the sight that was infront of you.

"We're here (name)"You gasped and your eyes widened at the sight that was infront of you

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"Sonic this place is beautiful"
"Not as beautiful as you"
You blushed.
"You heard me....(name) there is another reason why I want to bring here"
He took both of your hands in his and led you to a white bench that was infont of a pond that had white pond lilies. You both sat down.

"What is it?" You questioned him.

"We've been friends for some time now and over the last few months I've developed new feelings around you" Sonic thumb rubbed you hands softly.

"W-what types of feelings?" The blush on your cheeks began to darken.

'I love you (name), I love you so much that it hurts.

"S-sonic I feel the same way"
Sonic look into your eyes and put his hand on your cheek. You then raised one of your hands and held his hand tight.
Sonic then brushed your bottom lip with his thumb and both of you leaned in and kissed for a few moments.

After that Sonic held out a beautiful necklace

After that Sonic held out a beautiful necklace

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"Sonic it's beautiful"
"Let me put it on you"

As he was doing that you asked him

"Sonic what about Amy"
"Don't worry about her I took care of it"
"And how did you do that"
"I told her that I loved someone else"
"How did she react?"
"I'll tell you later right now I just want to spend some time with my girl.

All you could do was to smile.
And the both of you sat there enjoying eachother's company.

The End

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